November 17th

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Chapter Thirty-Six

November 17th


It's my birthday and this year, I didn't forget it.

In all honesty, it's hard to.

It's hard to forget that I'm a year older today, when I have a room full of people who love me here, celebrating myself living another full year of life.

Jeremy and Desirae decorated Madison café – with the help of Paula – in eccentric silver decor, chandeliers and metallic sculptures contrasting with the photos of myself, scattered across the walls.

All the chairs and the tables are packed up as a large table takes up more than half the space of the dining area.

I could hardly recognise the place when I first walked in.

I'm impressed by it all, and I'm even more impressed that they got it all done in a day.

"Be dressed in your finest attire," said Des to me this morning after showering me with birthday love.

I got ready, dressed in my ironed navy trousers and my dark, patterned collared shirt with my love linked at my side, dressed in a figure-hugging navy blue dress; we look like an attractive couple if I do say so myself.

My stunningly beautiful Desirae, drove Molly and I down to the café where I was hugged, squeezed and kissed by Jeremy, got my cheeks pinched by my mother and her long-time friend Janine Butler, got my hair ruffled by Paula, cuddled by Benny and greeted warmly by Chanel, Nick and Christian.

I was surprised at the effort that was put into celebrate this day, surprised by the amount of love that I have given and seeing it all being given back to me.

My heart feels so full.

Though, I do feel slightly nervous, knowing what's to come for the night ahead.

I sit back and zone out for a minute whilst everyone is chatting amongst themselves around the oak dinner table cascaded with an abundance of metallic flowers and candles.

I watch as Molly sticks carrots up her nose to entertain Benny as he throws his head back and shrieks with laughter.

Mum and Janine sip their cranberry juices and cackle amongst themselves. Beside Janine, sits Nick who's demoing his latest track to Christian and Paula – who's holding Cleo and pulling faces at her.

Chanel watches her daughter in awe as Cleo giggles at the noises Paula is making with her mouth.

Jeremy wraps his arm around his wife and kisses her head as they both watch their daughter being entertained.

I smile to myself, then I look at Desirae and my heart skips a beat.

She's staring at me lovingly.

She takes my hand under the table and squeezes it.

She blinks slowly.

"Are you happy, love?" she asks endearingly.

I breath a long sigh and I look around me as the room radiates love.

"Yeah," I say, choking up a little, "I am."

"Good," she smiles, tears welling in her eyes, "you deserve nothing less."

"This past year together with you Des... has been such a dream. A dream I never want to wake up from."

"You never have to, Chris," she says squeezing my hand.

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