Solitude & Serenity

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Chapter Fourteen

Solitude & Serenity

"So what are you cooking?" asks Desirae's voice through the phone.

"Just some pasta, Benny loves it," I reply, tossing some cheese into the pot.

"Is that Benny I hear screaming the background?" she asks.

"Yep. Still not over his phase," I say glaring at my mother as she attempts to calm Benny down by singing to him.

"Poor thing," says Desirae sympathetically.

Benny has always had trouble expressing himself and its a terrible situation for all of us.

Something is wrong, it's frustrating not knowing what to do, to help him, but it must be even more frustrating for him not knowing how to express what's bothering him.

I look at his tired screaming face.

"I find it odd how Benny only throws his tantrums when you're not here to see it," I say over the phone, not knowing where exactly this conversation is going.

"That's because he has Mollani to keep him company," she says wisely, though I can't see her, I know she's smiling as she says this.

"Maybe all Benny needs is a friend?"

"Or someone to play with, a play mate maybe? I feel like three-year olds don't really understand the meaning of friendship just yet," she giggles.

I think on this for a bit.

Maybe Mum should enrol him in an early preschool or day-care centre. Coming to think of it, he doesn't hang around with many people his age except when he goes to the park or the beach.

I suddenly remember the reason I called Desirae in the first place.

"So, remember four years ago when you took me somewhere very special to you and I never got to do the same?" I ask, changing the subject smoothly.

"Yeah? So you're finally going to take me to the cinema across the road from your old apartment?" she chuckles.

"Not yet, but I'll get on to that one. I wanna take you somewhere special," I smile into the phone, "I've got some news to break and I want us to be somewhere special when it happens."

"You're not going to propose to me are you?" she asks curiously,

"No, well, not yet anyway," I chuckle.

"Darn it," she whispers laughingly.

"But will you please come?" I ask.

"Anything for you boo," she says excitedly.

I wake up early the next day excited for the day ahead.

Excited to see Desirae and especially the look on her face when I tell her that Sandy Palmers wants her to be the creative artist involved in her next album.

But above all, I'm excited to finally take Desirae somewhere that'll make her heart race and inspire her beyond belief.

I want to see the flame that was once put out, ignite in her heart and in her eyes, blinding me every time I witness her endless beauty.

I get dressed in a tank top and some hiking shorts and boots. I put on a baseball cap to prevent my face from burning under the sun and end up looking like a crusty raspberry for the rest of the day.

While I pack some lunch in the kitchen, I hear Desirae's taxi pull up in the driveway.

Mum answers the door and welcomes Des and Molly into the kitchen.

Desirae greets me with a peck on the cheek and Molly hugs my midriff tenderly.

Molly releases me and runs upstairs to look for Benny as I watch in awe.

"I'm in my best hiking gear!" smiles Desirae as she strikes a dramatic pose in her grey and purple tank top and gym tights.

We bid Mum, Molly and Benny goodbye and hit the freeway out of the suburbs and into isolated lands with the windows rolled down and the radio blasting.

Desirae gazes out the window and closes her eyes as the Autumn breeze blows her curls in every direction.

Today is going to be a good day. I can already feel it.

"Can I ask you something?" says Desirae innocently.


"When we ended things all those years ago... did you – y'know – get with someone else?"

I shift uncomfortably in my seat.

I don't feel right about lying to Desirae, even if it is to spare her feelings, but I don't feel comfortable talking to her about my romantic past that I am not so proud of.

"Um..." I whisper, staring at the road ahead, averting Desirae's eyes.

"It's okay babe. We spent four years apart, it's okay if you got a little bit of action here and there," she chuckles, "I know I did."

"You did?" I ask sadly.

"Nope. If I didn't have time for you, I didn't have time for anyone else – romantically anyway," she smiles.

"I was involved in some... flings I suppose," I confess, "but it was never anything serious."

"Christopher Madison, you absolute tycoon!" she laughs.

"Oh come on Des, don't judge me so harshly," I chuckle.

I drive over a bump and Desirae and I rise and fall in our seats aggressively.

"Sorry!" I apologise guiltily, but Desirae is too busy giggling so hard she begins to hiccup.

The simplest things make her laugh so hard. She's the gift that keeps on giving.

I turn into a dirt road surrounded by tall trees inches away from each other and hills in the distance.

Solitude and serenity.

Just her and I out in the middle of nowhere – actually no – in the middle of somewhere breathtakingly beautiful.

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