Dreamers in the Wake

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Dreamers in the Wake

After that confrontation, I don't struggle to keep the mere thought of Jack out of my mind for the rest of the week.

Brother or not, I've never found it hard to cut toxic people out of my life. It's an attribute that I'm quite proud of; and it managed to stick with me all this time.

I went about the rest of my week unbothered; I've kept my head above the water and things around me have fallen into place.

I realised that there was no need to keep all that negative energy around the house, dragging everyone's moods down. Life's too short, I let it go.

They'll be a time when I have to confront Jack again, but until then, I won't worry about it much.

Besides, it's hard to stay down in the dumps when I have Desirae around.

I must say, for the past 9 months we've been together; a lot of shit has gone down.

This year has definitely been turbulent to say the least. But that's the thing about Desirae, she makes my life exciting.

I'm too old to find a new philosophy for life. I'm going to let pain get the best of me at times, but when I am strong enough to overcome the pain itself, I will.

After one long crazy month of misery, I'm feeling alright again, so I'm just going to take advantage of it.

That's all I can do. Focus on the stuff that matters.

Besides, the more emotionally stable I am, the less stressed out Desirae is.

The last thing I want to do is stress her out. It's been a big week for her. After a gruelling few months, Desirae has finally come up with album art for Sandy Palmer's upcoming album.

Despite my input and my advice when she asked for it about a million times this week, I'm forbidden to get a peek of the art that's going to go along with Sandy's upcoming international album.

I'm a little bit irked that I get to see her art when the rest of the world does. But I'm so damn proud of her. I hope more things like this come her way, but I have absolutely no doubt that they will.

"Chrrriiisss!" Desirae calls from downstairs.

"I'm coming love, I'm coming."

I jog down the stairs, half-dressed and still half asleep.

"I'm going," she smiles nervously.

"Good luck on your big day Desi, I know you'll make us all proud," I kiss her on the forehead.

"Thanks babe," she beams.

"Though... I do wish I could see the album cover before the rest of the world," I say offhandedly.

"Chris, you know I can't do that," she smiles tracing her lips along mine, "I really did appreciate your input when I showed you my ideas... but..."

"But what?"

"Sandy wants to keep the whole album campaign under wraps. This is her first album in a while and her first as a mother. She wants it to be perfect and so do I."

"Don't worry," I smile, "I know it will be."

With one final kiss Desirae waves and walks out the door.

I stare after her through the window as she backs out of the driveway and drives away.

"She's a good one," I hear a voice say behind me.

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