Past, Present & Future

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Past, Present & Future

I come back home from Jeremy's after an exhausting day.

It's been almost a week since Cleo was born, consequently, Chanel is still exhausted from the whole 'giving birth' thing.

I thought I'd make myself available to help the two with any needs that they may have; needless to say, Jeremy has called me in to his home every day of the week.

Not as someone to throw all the responsibilities onto, but as someone to keep him company while he fulfils his fatherly duties of being puked or crapped on.

I'd back away in those situations and Jeremy would just smile fondly at his daughter who'd just thrown up and/or peed all over him.

They say fatherhood changes people; I can't relate to that, but I hope one day that I could.

But that's another thing.

My future with Desirae.

After that night at the hospital when Chanel gave birth, neither one of us felt comfortable to talk about the only thing on our minds.

A child. Our child. The one that is yet to exists beyond the figments of our imaginations.

I thought it'd be best to not say anything just yet, talks about children can open up a box of ugliness in a relationship; and I'm not one for risking things, especially not the person I hold closest to my heart.

We're on the same page, Desirae and I, we both want children.

But after much thought, it probably isn't best to address it for the time being.

Desirae is still sick. No matter how hard it is for me to accept at times.

Though she is showing signs of recovery, the fact still remains.

Her body is not yet capable of carrying a child, and I'm not willing to risk her wellbeing for my selfish desire.

Another thing is that, we aren't ready.

How can we share a life, share a child, when we don't even share the same bed?

I want to bring my child up in a stable home, I need to earn myself the title of a husband before I become a father.

Wow. That's another thing I need to think about.

Marrying Desirae.

It should sound like an impulsive, ludicrous idea, but it doesn't.

But I've thought about enough tonight.

I park into the driveway. When I walk up the steps, I notice a few familiar cars parked around the house.

Desirae must have company over.

I walk in and I see a few unfamiliar kids running about.

I make my way into the kitchen.

I almost double take when I see Desirae, dressed in white and mint green, conversing with no other than Paula herself.

I observe for a moment, it seems their engaging in friendly conversation as they smile, nod and chatter amongst themselves.

I must've stepped into a twilight zone or out of one, because I'd never thought I'd live to see the day Paula smiles to the mere thought of Desirae, and here she is, smiling at her face.

For the entire eight months Desirae has been down here, Paula has despised her. What's with the sudden change of heart?

"Hey Chris darling, you're home," says Mum as she taps me on the shoulder.

"Yeah," I smile as I turn around to greet her.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Benny's fourth birthday barbecue that Desirae and I arranged, we're just finishing up."

"But Benny's birthday's not until Monday,"

"Yes, but he won't be able to celebrate it that day. He's got kinder."

"You enrolled him in a preschool?" I ask delightedly as she nods

"I hope I'm doing the right thing," she smiles nervously.

"You are."

She smiles appreciatively and brushes her hair back, "I'm going to go check up on him, make sure he's having fun."

I walk up to Desirae and Paula.

"Oh hey Chris, welcome to your own home," comments Paula as Desirae wraps her arms around my torso and kisses me behind the ear.

"Hey P..." I smile awkwardly.

"Desirae invited me and my little brother's and we've just been chatting away the afternoon haven't we Desirae?" chuckles Paula.

Desirae smiles back endearingly.

What is going on?

Women can be so confusing sometimes. Paula for the most part. How can she grow to like someone overnight?

I'm too tired to disrupt the peace and divulge into whatever this is.

I greet Molly and I shower Benny with kisses before running upstairs and falling asleep as the sun sets.

I wake up a few hours later when it's dark outside my window and silent around the whole house.

I make my way downstairs.

The place looks... odd.

All the party balloons, plates and cups are still scattered about and there is no one in sight.

You'd think I was the only person on earth after some apocalypse I missed during my nap.

"Desirae!" I call.

"In here," I hear her voice faintly say from the kitchen.

I walk in to see my Mother leaning on the counter and Desirae on the dining table, in the middle of what looks like a very serious discussion.

From the moment I step into the kitchen, I'm hit with an overwhelming sense of ominous weariness.

My intuition instantly picks up that whatever was said, or is about to be said, isn't going to be pleasant.

"What's up," I ask ruffling my hair.

"Take a seat Chris," says my mother as she points to the chair opposite to Desirae.

"What's going on?" I ask again, suddenly more awake than ever.

"Chris. Sit down," says Desirae firmly.

Yep. Something's definitely going on.

"Chris we want you to listen. Please just listen and hear us out before you begin to protest," says Desirae.

"Protest what?"

"Desirae and I both see it very, very crucial that you come with us to your father's old pastry shop."

"Not this again," I sigh.

"Chris please-"

"No, Mum, don't 'Chris please' me. That place drains everything good out of me. I really don't understand why you're pushing me so hard for so long, it's really quiet simple I don't want to go."

"Except... it really isn't that simple Chris," chimes in Desirae softly.

"Can you both please just stop being so cryptic and tell me what the fuck is going on?"

Desirae calmly gets off her seat and lowers herself. She approaches me and crouches down so that her palms are resting on my knees.

She looks up at me with a fierce look in her bulbous green eyes, like she knows a crucial, yet delicate piece of information that I don't.

She looks at my mother and my mother nods at her. She locks eyes with me again.

"Chris. There's someone your father would want you to meet."

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