Breakdowns & Tantrums

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Chapter Four

Breakdowns & Tantrums

When Desirae leaves the café, Paula scolds me.

Honestly, I know Paula's heart is in the right place but I simply won't tolerate her treatment of Desirae.

She can complain about it all she wants, but Desirae is painting the pieces for the dining area, my mind is already made up, so good luck to Paula on trying to change it.

"She's an amateur artist," she scoffs.

"She's dedicated her whole life to her craft and got a degree in it. If she's an amateur artist than so was Frida Kahlo."

"How do you know that you'll like what she's going to come up with? Or better yet, if it will suit the dining area?" asks Paula, following me from the dining area to the counter.

"I've seen her work; Desirae is an incredible artist – to say the very least. She puts her heart and soul into her craft, you can doubt her for all I care Paula, but I won't."

"Chris you haven't seen any of her recent work," she complains.

"I don't need to, I know that whatever she'll come up with, will be absolutely stunning."

"You have too much faith in the girl," she rolls her eyes.

"I have every reason to," I say exiting into the kitchen.

As much as I love Paula, she can be a massive pain in the ass when things don't go her way.

It's two hours before the café closes so it's no surprise to me when I see Eric alone in the kitchen.

"What are you still doing here bud?" I ask, "your shift ended an hour ago."

Eric looks at me sadly as one ginger curl dangles out of his hat.

"I know boss... but I just... I like being here y'know?" he says softly.

"Then why do you look so down in the dumps?"

Eric doesn't say anything but he scrunches his plump, freckly face uncomfortably.

Eric is a sweet kid, but it can often be difficult to get him to express himself when he isn't in a bright mood.

I take a seat on the bench and I gesture for him to sit beside me.

"Eric, am I right in guessing that the problem isn't that you want to stay here... but it's that you don't want to go home?" I ask softly and he nods reluctantly.

"It's just so lonely there Chris. My parents are always working late."

"You've got friends,"

"But, I don't want my friends around twenty-four seven. I just want to be..." he sighs deeply and looks at his knees.

"Eric, everything your parents do, they do it for you. They work very hard because they want the very best for you."

"What's the use in that when I only see them three times a week for a few minutes before they take off again?" he says sadly, "they didn't even get to try my dessert that was on the menu."

I think for a moment.

"Why don't I add your creation to the main menu permanently? That way, everybody in Melbourne could try Erocky Road?"

Eric's face lights up, "you'd do that for me Chris?!" he beams.

"Of course bud, now pack up and go home, you've worked hard enough for today," I say patting his back as we both rise from our seats.

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