A Walk Down Memory Lane

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Chapter Three

A Walk Down Memory Lane

It's three days later that I see Desirae again.

The longest three days of my life.

You'd think that after so many years apart from someone – on terms that weren't necessarily pleasant – reconnecting would be difficult and somewhat awkward.

But not once have I felt awkward.

Uncertain? Yes, nervous? Only slightly.

It feels so natural, like a next chapter in my life that was written in the stars.

We're walking along a busy Melbournian street on a bright December day as light clouds scatter across the pale blue summer sky.

"You know, you don't dress like the CEO of one of the leading café's in the country," Desirae jokes as she glares at me from head to toe.

She's right. I've been told, many times that ripped jeans and plain t-shirts aren't the best things to wear in both the personal and professional light, but heck; I do it anyway.

I look at her attire judgingly, a black pencil skirt, ponytailed hair and a black blazer.

"And you don't dress like a contemporary studio artist," I tease.

"Oh, shut-up. I had a job interview this morning, that's why I'm sporting the 'lawyer attire'" she grimaces.

"And you have to dress like that?"


"I just don't get it. Why would they make you dress so black and white, when the job role itself is so colourful?" I say.

"I don't understand it either, but heck I just go along with it," she says breezily.

"How'd it go?" I ask intently.

"I don't think I'll be hearing back from the Melbourne art gallery too soon," she giggles, and this time, it's actually genuine.

"Why didn't you go corporate?" she asks curiously, "I mean, you're the CEO of your own company, why are you still a pastry chef?"

"I think you already know the answer to that Des,"

"I know, but tell me anyway."

I heave a heavy sigh as we walk along the bridge above a large lake below.

"I leave all the business-y stuff to Jeremy, he's the only link I have with corporate operations of Madison Café. I've never really been any good at it, nor do I enjoy it. What I am in my heart and soul is purely a pastry chef. I'm a pastry chef, second, then the CEO of Madison Café tenth."

"Tenth? What are you in between those numbers?"

I think for a moment.

"I'm a visionary, ninth, an amateur surfer, eighth, a teacher, seventh, a learner, sixth, a pastry enthusiast, fifth, a son, fourth, a brother, third, and a friend first."

Desirae smiles at me endearingly.

"You really haven't changed. You've grown – wonderfully... but your soul is still as beautiful as I remember."

We stop in the middle of the bridge and look downwards at the lake which vaguely reflects the city above it through its ripples.

I get major flashbacks of the last time Desirae and I were both here together.

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