Dear Old Friend

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Chapter One

Dear Old Friend

I stand, open mouthed staring at Desirae who smiles back pleasantly.

I must look like a fool but how else am I supposed to react?

At first I thought my eyes were deceiving me; but as the seconds tick by, it's becoming clearer that this, is in fact a reality.

I've thought about Desirae, many times over the past four years, I've thought about her waltzing into my life again and about all the things I'd want to say to her.

But now that the moment is finally here, it seems that I have forgotten how to function.

"Chris... Chris!" she says smilingly, snapping me back into reality.

Suddenly everything around me falls into place, I'm back at the counter of my busy café staring wide-eyed at Desirae.

I fumble over my words by I manage to get them out.

"How are you?" I ask, trying to sound casual, (but fail miserably.)

"I'm fine and yourself? – Chris do you wanna sit down? You look like you're about to faint."

It feels so incredibly strange to hear my name spoken in her voice again.

"Do you wanna grab a coffee sometime?" I say with hints of shock in my tone, "sometime like right now? – unless you've got things to do, in that case I completely understand-"

"Chris, I would love to catch up," she smiles in the familiarly beautiful way that I've missed so immensely.

"I'll go find us a table," she says before disappearing from my sight.

It still doesn't feel real. Is it real? Was that really Desirae? Or was she some sort of beautiful mirage?

Am I dreaming? Or have I, at 25 years-old, finally lost the plot and began hallucinating?

"She's a fine young lady Christopher," says Mr Rogers, a kind old man who's a familiar face and a regular customer here.

"She sure is," I breathe.

Paula comes out of the kitchen with a clipboard in her hands, "Eric's decided to call his dessert; 'Erocky Road,'" she says suppressing a smile.

"What's wrong with you?" she asks as she observes me questioningly.

"Nothing, nothing... I've got a friend waiting for me in the dining area... are you okay to manage things here for a bit?"

"Well considering that it has been by job for the past three and a half years, I think I've got it," she teases.

I smile and breathe a slight sigh of relief.

"Are you sure you're okay Chris?"


"You look a little nervous that's all," she says sternly.

"Yeah I'm fine," I say... "how do I look?"

"Like your hipster slash surfer, young millionaire self," says Paula sarcastically, "now go," she smiles, "I'll have one of the crew around to take your orders."

I pat my hairs down and fiddle with my nose ring. How did she even manage to recognise me? I have changed considerably since we last saw each other.

I run my fingers, neatening my stubble and feeling slightly irritated that I neglected trimming it this morning.

I see Desirae sitting quietly reading a book on a table by the window as the sun shines through, making her look every bit like an angel.

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