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Chapter Thirty-Two


My eyes read the three documents, over, and over again, hoping that each time my eyes flick back, the page would miraculously say something else; other than death threats aimed at my father.

Christ. He must've been in some serious trouble. Involved in something so much bigger than himself.

I've always wondered what drove my father to point of ending his own life, but reading these three papers; gives me a glimpse of the very grim situation he was in.

I put the papers back in the safe, on top of the envelope with tens of thousands of dollars inside it.

I stand up and nearly throw up my insides.

It's been an intense few hours, but those letters have shaken me to the core.

I take a deep breath in and I trace my fingertips around the photos of our smiling faces.

I relax for a moment.

My moment of calmness is disturbed when I hear an ear-drum bursting, glass shattering scream coming from outside the office.

I drop the frame and I pick up the steel baseball bat, gripping it firmly in my hand, ready for war.

I follow the sounds of the scream which grows louder and more strenuous, like the person screaming is in an agonising amount of pain.

"Desirae! Desirae I'm here!" I shout as I sprint into the dark and empty dining area.

I look around and I see a door at the end of the room which I hadn't have ever noticed before.

The door is closed but light shines through from the bottom. As I run towards it, it becomes clear, that the screams are coming from in there.

I bust the door open with the baseball bat.

I jog down the stairs and into the basement.

I can hear the screams, loud and clear, but there is nobody in the room.

"Desirae?!" I shout into the damp, cold and empty space.

I hear her screams all around me, but I can't see or feel her presence.

She screams louder and my eardrums feel as if they are about to burst.

I cover my ears and I search the area, my feet stomping around the cement floor.

Then suddenly, it stops.

The screaming stops and silence pierces through the dead air.

The only thing I can here is my panting breaths.

"Desirae!" I hopelessly shout once more.

It's quiet, until I hear a low grumbling chuckle behind me.

I turn to see Shane emerging from the shadows, every inch of his face sculpted with pure and utter malice as his lips curve into a sinister smile.

"Where's Desirae?!" I spit fearlessly.

"My God," he sighs, still smiling, "you really are an idiot."

"Where is she?!"

"Not here. The screams you heard, were from some random audio I nabbed from the internet," he chuckles, "the surround-sound I hooked up in this place is amazing, isn't it?" he smiles as he takes slow steps towards me.

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