Part 12~

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Has everyone left me? Am I alone now? We had like 5 reads per character, where did everyone go :(

Also I just finished Fruits Basket! Truely an amazing anime, old but epic. Watch it if you haven't.

Rukia's POV.

I hold it to my neck, it's blade glistening like raw diamond still within the earth, a normal kitchen knife with unlimited potential. With this I could kill, I could cook or carve, I could do anything I wanted to. A single tear falls down my cheek, I have nowhere to return to, the Soul Society would never accept me if I returned for such a pathetic reason. Heartbroken.

I've been shattered like a glass vase, and my water, my reason for being, has drained away into nothingness. The world is dark to me now, who new I was so in love? I've never felt emotion like this, being a Soul Reaper I've only ever felt next to nothing when it comes to such trivial matters. Is that why I've been crushed so badly? Is this feeling to new for me to understand?

The front clicks, a familiar sound to my tired ears. I wish it wouldn't have opened though...

"Rukia! I'm back!"

Do it quickly, before he notices you!


Hurry up! Just do it!

Ichigo walks into the kitchen, his eyes widening at my sorry state, at once he notices the diamond clutched in my hand, pressed to my own throat.

"Rukia! What are you doing with dad's kitchen knife?!"

I cry harder, my sobs echo around the room, of course he would see! Of course he had to know!

Ichigo runs forward at once, what's the point?

"Stop!" I scream. "Stop..."

Ichigo hesitates, but freezes in his tracks. "Rukia, I don't understand, what are you doing?"

My heart stops, did he seriously just say that? He knew... he knows my feeling, he toyed with me, crushed me! "You, don't understand?! Hah! You knew! You knew my feelings and yet! Yet.. you..." I cry again, my heart can't take this pressure anymore.

"Rukia please! Calm down, think for a moment. Explain to me, why are you so upset that you'd... resort to this?"

"Oh you know why!" I spit, my sadness turning to hatred. "You shouldn't have led me on that day... I'd be fine! Fine if you hadn't made it sound like you loved me, fine if you didn't tell me you loved her at the time you did!"

Ichigo's eyes drop, he's realised fully what he's done.

"Rukia. I'm sorry." He whispers looking down at his feet. "But sorry doesn't fix it.."

Ichigo walks forward, his head still down. I forget about my diamond, my saviour in this time, my attention fully on Ichigo. Suddenly, warm arms wrap around me. Ichigo's arms.

"Forgive me."

(Is this getting too dark?)

Rukia vs Orihime, the Battle for Ichigo!  -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now