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The hospital is small, in comparison to the ones I'm usually around.

It was crowded with men in women in colourful scrubs and, despite its off-putting dull exterior; the inside was bustling with excitement.

"Excuse me miss, where abouts is the waiting room?" I asked a nurse at the front desk and she politely directing me to my destination.

She quite clearly swooned at my accent and I smirked at my gifted charm.

"Noah!" I heard the shout and searched for the owner in the crowded room.

Scott dodged through the people towards me.

"Scotty!" I announced, pulling my friend in for a hug.

"Come meet everyone!" Scott excitedly pulled me into the room. "Well, I mean not everyone because, like, no one is here." He chuckled and guided me along his previous path through the cluster of worried friends and family.

"This is Ena, an up-and-coming artist and entrepreneur carpenter." He gestured to the small girl who sat on the carpet with a clutter of pens and paper in front of her.

I smiled at her but she didn't return it as she had yet to realise my arrival.

"And this is Kira, her mum." His additional comment startled me slightly, but I suppressed it from reaching my face.

"Ahh so you are the infamous Kira I've heard endless stories about." I stated, lifting a hand for her to shake. She blushes at my eyebrow wiggles but takes my hand regardless.

"Hush now, Noah. Kira, Ena, this is Noah. My charming and, well, honest best friend." I grinned at his title, enjoying the compliments (even if he didn't really mean them).

"Stiles is here too, he was talking to a nurse about Lydia." Scott twisted his body to scan the room and hallway."

"Oh, he's in with Lydia. I saw him catapult past the walkway about 10 minutes ago." Kira chuckled with admiration. I wondered what connection Kira had to Stiles. She was clearly very fond of, maybe even close with, him. Did Scott McCall actually have competition?

"So, Noah. We may have two more members joining our Australian Adventure." His words were drowning in pride and excitement.

"And who might that be?"

"Well, these fine ladies right here, of course." He displayed the females happily. Ena finally looking up from her artwork at the mention of the journey.

"Yeah! We're gonna see Koala's and Emu's and joeys..." She trailed off shyly, once she noticed me. Her eyes were dark and wide, staring at me with embarrassment and bewilderment.

"That's Noah, Scott's friend. He's coming to Australia too." Kira spoke kindly to her daughter. Watching the scene, the fact Ena was Kira's daughter came back to me.

Scott had never mentioned her being a mother. Was it his? Did he know about the child? It was all so confusing and I was ready to demand an explanation from Scott as soon as we were alone.

Ena nodded awkwardly and went back to her drawing.

"Well, Kira, if you are planning to accompany us on our journey. I'm sorry but I certainly must demand that you introduce me to some of your attractive American friends before I leave." I spoke with fake sophistication.

"Watch it, kid." An abrasive voice cut through our laughter and it instantly caught my ear. Swiftly, I turned around to see the owner of the voice. She trudged through the room with assertion. The teenage boy cowered out of her way.

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