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Once we had calmed Stiles down, with the help of a few nurses, we were guided to a waiting room.

Helena had fallen asleep; her body sprawled out over two chairs and her head on Derek's lap. Scott sat beside her feet, his legs stretched out in front of him, he looked exhausted. I guess kissing evil villains can really take it of you.

I frowned at my thought. I had no right to be jealous. I had forgiven myself for injuring The Desert Wolf. Derek convinced me that she had it coming and I should be proud that I was able to mess her up so badly. And funny enough, I was a little proud.

But i was still mad about the events that led to her being in that situation.

I brushed off my thoughts and looked over at Stiles. He sat beside me, his leg bouncing up and down and his hands fidgeting with themselves.

Every minute or so he would change his sitting position and I felt bad for the boy. Knowing all he could do is sit here must be killing him.

A blur dashed through my vision and I looked up. I saw Malia quickly duck out the doors of the hospital with a phone pressed against her ear.

"Stiles, I'll be right back." I rubbed his knee and he quickly nodded his head without meeting my eyes.

I took large strides over to the automatic doors and searched the night air for her familiar figure. Soon enough, I found her leaning against the wall and I crept over.


She jumped slightly.

"Kira, what the hell?"

"What are you doing out here?" I pulled my cardigan tighter over me, feeling the chill like pricks on my skin.

"I'm leaving." She looked away from me.


"Kira, I can't be here. She's in there because of me."

"So, stay and wait to see if she makes it through."

"I can't imagine being here to find out she's died, Kira." She sighed and a dark car pulled up. "I'm sorry." She walked over and climbed in. Well that was quick, she was really serious about leaving.

"So you'd prefer to hear about it over the phone?!"

I followed and knocked hard on the window.

"Malia! Stop, are you seriously leaving?" I saw her face turn away through the glass and the car sped off into the darkness.

I stood there alone under the yellow light, flabbergasted, with bugs buzzing around my head and watched the spot where she used to be.

Stiles's P.O.V

I couldn't handle just sitting here, waiting to hear that she didn't make it. I had to do something.

I figured that maybe Klaus deserved to know she was here, even if they've ended it. He could still be in town and I couldn't think of anything else that would keep my mind off of Lydia.

"I'll be back." I jumped out of my seat and scuttled over to the receptionist desk. There was a young nurse sitting in front of a computer.

"Excuse me, miss." She lifted her head and grinned at me, wheeling over to where I stood against the desk.

"Hi there, how can I help?"

"Hi, um, I was hoping you could look up the medical information of Lydia Martin?"

"Are you family?" She smiled at me. Why was she so happy, it irritated me slightly.

"No, just a friend but she's in surgery at the moment and I was going to contact her... fiance, but I don't have his number." I smiled awkwardly at her. Should I of said fiance?

"I guess I can do that, but keep it on the down low." She waved me over as she wheeled back to her computer. I walked around in front of her.

"What did you say her name was?"

"Lydia Martin."

"Okay so there's 3 Lydia Martin's in this state, do you know her middle name?"

"Uh yes. Camille-grace."

"Here she is..." Her voice trailed off and I saw her scrolling. She was frowning.

"What is it?" I lent forward over the desk to try and see the screen. The nurse looked up at me uneasily then around the room.

"Hey, Charlie, could you watch the desk for me? I've got to show this young man to a room." She smiled at a nurse nearby that held a clipboard. Charlie nodded and took my nurses place.

"This way, sir." She looked at me with knowing eyes and guided me down a wide hallway to the left of us.

We walked for a short while before she pulled me into a room. Inside was one gurney and a pile of bed sheets in the corner.

"Why are we here?" I questioned.

"I really shouldn't have even looked her up for you, let alone tell you this information but this is serious." She spoke firmly and quietly.

Her words sparked anxiousness inside me. She breathed deep.

"When I was looking at her your friend's medical information, her emergency contact was listed as her mother, not a partner. So I scrolled further..."

"And?" I didn't mean to snap but she was really scaring me. So much for taking my mind off worrying about Lydia, now it's even worse.

"Well, next was her medical history... and it carried on for paragraphs. It was almost an entire essay of unexplained bruises, fractures, head injuries and all sorts of other incidents." She bit her lip.

"What does that mean?"

"When a doctor suspects... domestic violence, they check for bruises on the back. Bruising your own back is a very difficult task. A lot of her injuries include back injuries, and they were either left unexplained or covered up with dodgy, weak excuses."

I felt as if I'd just been shot.

"You're telling me that she's in an abusive relationship?" I whispered. My mouth had gone dry and it was a struggle to talk. I shuffled backwards and sat on the edge of the empty bed.

"It's not definite, but it's a real possibility. Several doctors left comments on her records expressing their concerns for domestic violence." She sighed and waited for my reaction.

My eyes were focused on the floor, tracing the green lines to calm myself down.

I couldn't fathom that anyone, especially someone who was supposed to love and care for her, could hurt her in anyway.

The fact that he put her through so much stress and pain while she was there, loving him regardless, made my blood boil.

"Are you okay? I shouldn't have said anything but I have witnessed what happens in these situations first hand if someone doesn't do something." The nurse stepped closer to me and as soon as I saw her, my anger grew further just because she had been the deliverer of the news. I stood up swiftly and the nurse jumped back.

"Thank you." I mumbled and stormed out of the room. I was fuming.


POOR LYDIA. What do y'all think Lydia should do?


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