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The gif at the top is a lil irrelevant but i love it so pls roll with me.


"Come on, baby." I gently pulled Ena along the bustling hospital hallways.

I had half an hour lunch break to see Lydia and also confess the biggest lie I have ever told to a bunch of newly-rekindled friends.


My search for the right numbered door came to a halt when I notice the small pack. Stiles, Scott, Helena and Derek all gathered outside what I assumed to be Lydia's door.

"Hey guys, what's happening?" I breathed out as I reached them.

It is harder to rush around in kitten heels than I thought.

"Hey Kira, I thought you had work?" Scott asked, the group splitting to allow me to slink into the circle.

"Yeah, its lunch break so I snuck away but I only have a half hour."

"Oh well, she doesn't really wanna see anyone right now..." Scott informed me.

Stiles shuffled on his feet and sighed.

I watched him, he was clearly upset.

With a huff he goes to storm off, but I stopped him abruptly with a solid grip on his forearm.

I needed him here.

"I actually have something I wanted to tell you guys. I'd prefer Lydia and Malia here, but well..." I turned to Stiles sending him a look with my eyes.

This look caused him to widen his own eyes. He knew what I was about to say.

And best I was straight forward and got it over with.

"Guys this is Ena," confused faces stared back at me, "my daughter." The group was silent for a moment, Stiles pulling me into his side for support.

My heart rate increased rapidly. No one was talking or even moving.

Their faces were blank and judgement free, but who knows what they could have been thinking. Maybe the straight-forward approach was a little too confrontational.

Scott bent down, resting his hands on his knees.

And he waved to her.

With a grin, the largest grin I'd seen him wear yet. It was a grin he quickly passed onto Ena, who eventually waved back.

Watching the display made my heart soar. It was like I was watching the moment Stiles held Ena in his arms at the hospital all over again.

But not even this could beat that memory.

"Hi Ena, I'm Helena." Helena waved at her also. She was clearly in awe of the child, and of me.

Which gave me a sense of pride, to have someone older than you look at you with so much respect. Despite my lies.

"Who's the father?" Derek blurts bluntly.

Well I didn't expect that to come out so quickly but trust Derek to cut to the chase. Helena smacks him in the arm.

"You don't have to answer that, Kira." Helena assures me but I was in the thick of it now, no point backing out.

Stiles pulls me in tighter but I slightly push him away.

"It's okay." I gripped Stiles's hand in mine and directed them all to the waiting room.

This conversation would be easier sitting down.

"Set the scene for us gurl." Stiles smirked.

But his cheerful mood diminished when Scott sent him a small glare. I rolled my eyes lovingly.

"So, I was at university studying to be a teacher and on the night of my graduation I ended up... hooking up with my best friend of the time." At that point, Scott covered Ena's little ears.

She was sitting on Scott's knee, clearly now very comfortable with him. She giggled at the contact but made no attempt to remove them.

The sight made me queasy in both a good way and a not so good way.

The good way was that I now knew I had another support system.

The not so good way was that I didn't want Scott to be her dad. Because he wasn't. Yes, they just met properly and that's a massive conclusion to jump to but that's just how my mind works. I definitely didn't want him to feel he had to take on that responsibility. It was a weird feeling.

"But it turns out the condom broke and back then, I wasn't on the pill. And when I found out I was pregnant, my parents were there and disapproved immediately of me having an abortion."

I squeezed Stiles's hand, just to reassure myself that he was still there. And when he squeezed it back and rubbed my knuckles with his thumb, I knew I could continue.

"After I found out, he called me. And I thought that somehow, the gods had looked down on me and he was about to declare his eternal love for me or something." I laughed at my foolishness, "not that I loved him, but I was young, scared and unsure about everything. I felt like I needed him to love me."

"But unfortunately the gods were not playing in my favour that day. He'd called to tell me about his job opportunity. He was moving to Africa to teach underprivileged children and he had been so excited. I couldn't bring myself to ruin that."

"So, I didn't tell him. I wished him luck on his trip and that was it. We still keep in touch but he lives in Arizona now. Whenever he visits, I send Ena to Stiles's house." I bowed my head in shame at my last sentences.

I was constantly tossing and turning over whether I had done the right thing.

Ena never asked about her dad. The kids at her day-care had heaps of different family situations. Which was amazing but sometimes I wish that she'd just once ask. Just so I could ask her what she wants.

I know she's young and really isn't capable of making a decision like that but I can't help it.

"So, he has no idea he has a kid?" Derek broke the silence.

I shook my head and lent into Stiles.

Scott removed his hands from Ena's ears. And I opened my arms to her.

She happily bounced off his knee into my arms. I pulled her into the embrace, Stiles holding both of us.

I was over-the-moon glad I had Stiles.

I don't know what I'd do. Being a single mother was hard, the hardest thing to do ever. But I had support and love.

I had Stiles to thank for that.




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