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Whispers. I could just hear them through the rustling and whistling of the trees. Snarls and grunts accompanied them.

I used my nose and ears to seek them out. But before I even reached them, I could smell her fear. Malia and fear were uncommon companions so I knew she wasn't safe. Breaking into a complete sprint; I worried for my own safety. I knew I had to help Malia but we would both be safer with back up.

My sprint faded into a walk as I approached the group. Three bodies stood behind another that pinned an angry Malia to the ground with their foot. Drawing closer; I realised the three standing bodies belonged to the Atticus and his henchman.

"Well now there's a face I haven't seen in a while." Her voice was laced with mischief. Not the Denis the Menace type of Mischief. No, this was a mischief doused in evil and sprinkled with insanity.

The Desert Wolf pushed her foot harder onto the back of Malia's neck; releasing an even louder snarl out into the air. A murder of crows scattered above us with ear piercing screeches. Well, that's always a great sign. 

"What do you want?" I raised my chin as I questioned her. I needed to express confidence otherwise they would easily have the upper hand. I kept my eyes linked with hers; daring her to make a move.

"I could ask you both the same thing," Jerking her foot down, she smiled challengingly at Malia then at me, "You both came into my territory. One can only assume you want something."

"We're not here to cause trouble." I assure her, standing only a two metres from the mother and daughter duo.

"Trouble is for children. War is for adults." Atticus approached Malia and her mother. In one swift movement he had her up off the ground, only to throw her down again into the dirt in front of me. Malia coughed the dirt from her lungs and rose to her feet; locking eyes with me.

Her eyes were clouded with apologies. Why was she so worried?

"There is no need for a war." Malia turned to face her rivals; almost begging. Malia said she has fought them before, what makes this time any different? I certainly don't agree with it but she was legitimately frightened. I watched the others grin as Malia stepped in front of me. Was she trying to... protect me?

"Let's fill little baby alpha here in on our plans shall we?" The Desert Wolf bared her teeth and began pacing casually before us. Malia let out another snarl and took a step backwards closer to me. I placed my hand on her shoulder; attempting to ease her fear.

Alpha was a term i hadn't heard in a long time, not regarding me. And the powers that came along with the title had gone even longer without use. However, something surged in me when i arrived at the reunion. Whatever the feeling was, it was familiar and grew stronger as i grew close to my old pack-mates.

Atticus stepped forward.

"We, as a pack, have wondered for quite some time what would happen if one of us, a wearcoyote, were to... gain the power of an alpha wolf."

My body stiffened and I felt Malia tense even further under the palm of my hand.

"Now that you're here; we figured this would be the perfect opportunity."

"Just try to touch Scott and you'll be dead before you even get a scrape on him." Malia threatened despite her obvious weakness.

"This is unnecessary. Similar things have been tried in the past, and I can tell you that it didn't end well for the Coyotes." I stepped forward, in line with Malia. We needed to show them we were both strong and weren't afraid. Which, surprisingly, I wasn't.

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