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"Would you stop chewing your nails, it's a disgusting habit. Why don't you introduce me to some of your friends?" Klaus sipped his small cup of water, he didn't drink alcohol. I rolled my eyes and took my fingers from my mouth, replacing them with the edge of the champagne glass.

"These people are not my friends, Klaus"

"Oh thank goodness, they all look so ghastly." He chuckled and continued to look around the park. A few people have arrived already, and I spoke with Danny briefly when I went to collect champagne, but that was the extent of my mingling activities so far. I mentally applauded myself for booking a return flight tonight rather than staying, I just wanted this to be over.

"Oh my goodness look at that thing coming out of the woods there! How horrid does she look? Goodness that is just hilarious! Capris and a tank top? Hardly an outfit if you ask me." I followed the pointed finger of my fiancé and watched as a young girl stalked out of the woods. My eyes widened as I slowly began to recognise the distant figure.

"Malia?" I wasn't sure, it had been so long, but the strong, confident walk was so familiar. As the girl got closer, I became more and more sure of my guess and realised how much I had actually missed her.

"I'll be back." I downed the last of my champagne and left Klaus standing against the table in his own bubble of confusion and narcissism as I hurriedly walked towards her. My walk soon became a jog and then a run. Malia watched me with scepticism but it wasn't long before she broke into a run too.

"Oh my god!" I yelled as we reached each other, me puffing like a dragon and Malia barely even fazed. She pulled me into a hug, wide grins sat fittingly on both our faces.

"I have missed you so much! You haven't grown a bit, have you?" Malia joked, pulling away from the hug.

"Excuse you, I'll have you know that I am exactly 3.23 cm taller than the last time we saw each other." I stated matter-of-factly, causing both of us to laugh. We walked side by side towards the area the reunion had been set up in.

"Is anyone else here yet?"

"There are a few people, but no one really. Klaus and I have just been waiting for someone to turn up."


"My fiancé"

"YOUR FIANCE?!? Lydia, Congratulations! When did this happen?" Malia grinned even wider, but there was something other than happiness in her eyes as she asked the question.

"About 5 months and 2 weeks ago."

"Wow very precise." Malia nudged me softly with her shoulder.

"Yeah well Mathematicians have to be." I said with a smug grin.

"A mathematician?! Goodness, they say a person changes after high school but somehow you managed to stay a major nerd." She winked at me.

"Yeah yeah, well I was studying to be one. So what have you been up to?" Malia seemed taken aback by question and looked at the ground.

"Uhh you know, just hanging out? I live in Sacramento now."

"That's great!" I decided to end the conversation there as Malia was clearly uncomfortable. We walked in a calm silence towards the small table Klaus leaned against, talking on his phone.

"Malia, meet Klaus!" I waved my hands between the two, excited for them to meet. Klaus raised one finger at us and turned away talking into the phone. Malia lifted a brow at me as I smiled uncomfortably. Oh god this was embarrassing. Why did he always have to work? Ever since his dad handed the Boulton Country Club franchise over to him, he spends more time with his phone than he does with me.

"Uhh he has a very important job." I shrugged awkwardly. Man I wish I hadn't downed all my champagne before, I could really use a drink. The two of us waited in silence for Klaus to get off the phone. How hypocritical of him! He warned me not to embarrass him, look who is the embarrassing one now! Goodness, can this just be over!?

"Sorry Ladies, someone threw up on the tennis court and that apparently caused another 13 people to throw up next! And the 200 cleaning staff I pay were all 'too busy' to do their jobs. Goodness, can you believe that? The things I have to deal with honestly." Klaus rolled his eyes exasperatedly. "I'm Klaus." He extended a tan hand towards Malia, the hesitance to touch the obnoxious man was extremely clear on her face.

"Malia." She nodded and ignored his gesture. I don't blame her! Her gutsiness always inspired me, I could never stand up to someone I'd just met like that, no matter how rude they had been. Klaus lowered his hand and raised his nose higher, attempting to overcome the rejection.

"How did you two meet?" Malia questioned, unimpressed.

"At university." Klaus rested his hand stiffly on my lower back, very unaccustomed to the affectionate action. I froze, I hadn't felt his touch like this in years. Besides, the occasional forehead peck or hand brush, this is the most romance I've experienced since university.

"Ahh, classic uni-drop out trying to compensate for their failure, and less than impressive member, by going for the gorgeous genius. Such a cliche." A laugh exploded from my throat at Malia's accusation, which earned a harsh glare from my fiancé. Attempting to cover the laugh with a cough, I picked up my empty glass.

"We'll be right back, just grabbing some more champagne." I grabbed Malia's arm and scurried away, allowing myself to laugh into Malia's shoulder.


Malia is so savage love her omg

Who has seen the first eps of Season 7?!


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