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I sipped my coffee as I sped along the highway, knowing it had no effect on keeping me awake but it's the thought that counts really. Driving for 5 hours is tough work, especially when you've still got 2 more to go. I'm beginning to think that I should have just bought the plane tickets and have no food or electricity or internet for the next month. Worst comes to worst, I could have just lived off of the carrots for the rabbits at work. But no, I had to decide to spend my money on fuel and drive down. "It's cheaper" I said. "It will be more fun" I said. Well, I'm certainly not having any fun right now.

I bobbed my head to the loud music blaring throughout the small car, a feeble attempt at keeping my eyes open. The music was interrupted suddenly by a repetitive ringing sound over the Bluetooth. My phone lit up, "Noah <3" at the top with an up-close photo of my best friend as the backdrop, and I hurriedly pressed the answer button.

"Hey man, what's up?"

"Heyy Scotty! Just checking in on how the trip's going, you almost there?" His Australian accent was prominent even through the dodgy speakers.

"2 hours left, I'm exhausted!"

"Aw man, well don't crash! I need ya safe and sound for at least 6 months, after we start our practice then you can do whatever ya want" Noah was always a larakin and never failed to make me chuckle.

"Ha Ha. As if you'd survive without me."

"Pffttt I so would! Do you know how many girls I would get?! Gals love widowers!"

"We're not married, Noah."

"Dude.... We're a little married." I shrugged in agreement.

"So, is that chick gonna be at this thing or what? You really need to get laid."

"Her name is Kira and shut up! I do not need to get laid!"

"You didn't shut up about her for like the entirety of Uni! You've got to be a little excited to see her atleast." I thought about this, I guess I was a bit excited. A little bit nervous too actually. 

What would she think of me? Have I changed? Does she hate me for leaving Beacon Hills? And what about Stiles? What about ALL of them? 

These questions have been silently racking through the back of my mind this whole trip but, until now, i refused to let them surface.

I don't know about the rest, but since I left Beacon Hills to study Veterinary Science at Cornell University I haven't spoken to any of them at all. I blamed it on my new phone and kept telling myself I just had to focus on school and that I got caught up meeting new people and doing new things. But I was just making excuses for myself, I'm sure they're all still best friends. 

Why am I even going to this thing if I'm just going to be left out? The Facebook page said that plus one's are welcome, I should have brought Noah. He would have helped them all warm up to me again with his happy attitude.

"Nah man, I'm excited to see all of them ya know?"

"Yeah yeah sure sure, well if ya do get laid, It'll definitely do you some good. Anyways, I gotta go cover your shift, have fun NOT WORKING ya lucky bastard." He mumbled and with that he hung up.

The music blasted again and nervousness filled my veins. This is going to be insane, I need to work on my small talk skills.

"Hey how are you? What have you been up to? How's work?" No I can't say that, they may not have a job! Oh my god, and then they would have to awkwardly tell me they are unemployed and then think that I'm judging them and then they'll hate me and tell everyone not to talk to me. Great an entire afternoon of standing around by myself, drinking champagne and just waiting for it to be over. Nice one Scott.

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