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Another red light. This trip was taking so long; did the universe not know I was on a time sensitive mission?! I was seriously freaking out about Malia. She's a strong as heck girl but she's been out there for so long by herself with half a pack of wolves. I was trying my hardest to find her but I didn't have Stiles's or Lydia's numbers and Kira was passed out in the back of the cab with her head in my lap which, frankly, was making it quite difficult to concentrate. Her closeness was something i'd gone years without.

I decided there was no point stressing myself since the taxi was going as fast as it could. I'd rather just focus on Kira and her drunken state. And her silky hair that was tickling my arms. And her long eyelashes that sat peacefully against her cheeks.

I could tell something had been troubling her ever since she arrived at he reunion. Even in her sleep she looked stressed, but that could just be the alcohol.

I felt cliché at that moment because, as I stared at her, I realised I missed what we had before I left. More importantly, I missed her and her goofy grin. Come to think of it, I haven't seen her smile properly since I arrived in Beacon Hills. She smirks at Stiles but that is the extent of it.

What could have happened these past years that made her so worrisome? I wish she would open up to me about it. I know we broke up but I still care deeply for her.

I broke her trust the day I left. But right then. In the back of a taxi that pulled up in front of a house I could only pray still belonged to Stiles's dad. I vowed to earn it back.

I cradled her in my arms and walked up the path.

Knock knock knock

Footsteps sounded on the other side of the door and I heard a muttered "who the hell is knocking on my door at this hour". Yep, that sounds like the sheriff. The door swung open.

"Scott! What a surprise, come in!" He opened the door wider and moved out of the way to let me and Kira through the door.

"Hey, Mr Stilinski! Sorry for dropping by so late."

"No no it's no problem! It's great to see you, have you seen your mother yet?" He waved his hand and shut the door.

My mum! Oh crap! I completely forgot to go see her! I've got to find Malia first before I can go visit and I don't know how long that will take. Maybe I'll give her a call.

"No not yet, I've been a bit.... distracted." I gestured towards the sleeping girl in my arms.

"Oh OH. Is she... dead?" He whispered with wide eyes.

"No! Just sleeping. I was wondering if you had a spare bed I could put her in."

"Oh yes of course!" He directed me up the stairs and down the small familiar hallway. I hadn't been here for so long, but it still looked just the same.

We passed a large cupboard with its door open halfway. Inside I saw Stiles's whiteboard with photos still taped to it. He would spend hours on that; deciphering every little mystery. I remember when he'd invite me over to show him something and that board would be covered in red string everywhere. I sure as he.ll couldn't read it but Stiles could.

"You can put her in the main bed." We stopped in front of Stiles's old room. It was the same too, minus a fair few of his belongings. But this time there was a mattress on the floor. With a sleeping child...?

"Oh you babysit Ena too?" I placed Kira on the bed and pulled the duvet from beneath her. After tucking her in, I turned to face Sheriff.

"Yeah, mostly on weekends though; just when Kira needs a break. I love it, Ena is such a great little girl and Kira deserves some rest. She works so hard." He looked at them with so much love you'd think they were his own children.

I was confused though. Why did Kira need a break? Does she babysit Ena often?

"A break? Isn't it like a job?" The sheriff looked surprised and confused by my response. Had I said something wrong?

"Wait, what has Kira told you about Ena?" Woah this was getting really weird. I looked down at Kira; she looked so troubled but beautiful in her sleep.

"Just that she babysits Ena for a friend, is there something wrong?" I placed my hand on Kira's blanket covered shoulder. Should I be worried? Kira isn't someone to ask for help by herself; she's very stubborn and strong-willed. I loved it about her though.

The Sheriff's face dropped to an expression of disappointment and empathy.

"No it's all good." That was weird. There is definitely something they're not telling me. I wished Stiles was there, not just because he most likely knew what was going on, but because he had always been the problem solver of us two.

"Thankyou, Mr Stilinski but I've gotta run." I shook his hand and we walked down the stairs.

When we reached the door, I realised I had absolutely no idea where I was going. "Actually, one more thing. If you were going to go to a place where lives end, where would you go?"

"Ahh I don't know Kiddo? The morgue? The cemetery?" He laughed at my question.

The cemetery!

"Thank you so much! Kira's car is still at the club with mine, I'll grab them tomorrow!" I began sprinting down the path.


I know it wasn't a very good riddle but like it rhymed so gimme a little credit ;)

Do you guys think Kira should tell the others that Ena is her kid? Or not because they're all going to leave soon anyway?

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