Sydney's POV

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“You're getting too soft Sydney. What happened to the old you? He's changing you. I don't really think it's a bad thing and I don't think liking him is bad.” She said.

“I know I'm getting too soft, I guess he came into my life, and I feel like it's bad for me to like him.” I said. “I have to get tough again.”

“No you don't have to get tough again Sydney,” she said.

“Yes I do,” I said. “You just don't understand everything.”

“So tell me,” she said.

“I can't,” I said.

We decided to watch another movie. So she put on Mean Girls. A movie we had watched multiple times. We laughed a lot.

By the time it was over it was midnight and I regretted staying up late because I had only 6 hours to sleep now. I went and brushed my teeth and changed into my pjs. I lend Emily a pair as well and she brushed her teeth as well. I picked up Hunter and took him into the bedroom. We all fell asleep on the bed.

I woke up at 5:30am because I couldn't sleep. I decided to go shower. I ended up getting ready and eventually Emily woke up and she started getting ready. I had to see him today but I didn't want to. I guess I would just have to deal with it. I got Hunter ready for him to go to school. Emily only went to school for 4 hours. Since we went in different cities so should picked up Hunter from school everyday until I stopped working. I knew I had to go work again. I dropped off Emily and Hunter and then drove to school.

I went through my first 3 classes acting like a total bitch to everyone. Insulting basically everyone. It was now time to go to 4th period and I was hoping that anything could happen to I wouldn't go. The bell had rung and now the halls were empty. Down came walking the same guy who put his hands on me a long time ago came to me and stopped me. I take that back I would rather go and face Jason. I had found out that the guys name was Paul.

“Where do you think you're going pretty girl,” he asked.

“I'm going somewhere that I never thought I would say. I'm going to class,” I said.

“No you aren't pretty thing,” he said grabbing my wrists tightly.

“I'm only going to tell you this once, let me go,” I said.

He laughed and said, “And if I don't what are you going to do.”

I kicked him as hard as I could on his family jewels. He fell to the ground and ground loudly. I kicked him over and over again on the stomach.

“I told you to leave me alone,” I said.

“I promise you this won't be the last time I see you,” he said from the ground.

My heart was beating fast possibly thinking that something could have happened if I didn't start acting like a total bitch again. I quickly went to Jason's class.

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