I looked down at Dominic and gave him a wink. He smirked and winked back. 

"But now that we're graduating, we have to think about what we want to do and who we want to be. Most of us don't know what we want to do for the rest of their lives. And I'm here to tell you that it's okay. Get a part-time job at Chick-fil-A while you take classes, get married and have kids, be the next president of the United States. The choice is yours. 

Don't live your life with what-ifs. It's better to say that you've tried and failed than to have not tried at all. When you eventually start a family, you're not going to think about how that certain guy didn't ask you to prom. Or being voted most likely to do this and this and this. Although those events are apart of your life, they aren't your entire life. Because guess what? Once we get our diplomas and walk out those doors, life will go on. This is our chance to start fresh and make our lives how you want it to be.

What really matters is that you go out there and be better than you were yesterday. In fact, let's make that our class slogan. Be better than you were yesterday. Thank you!"

Everyone in the crowd stood up as I poorly attempted to get off the stage. When everyone finally settled down and got back into their seats, Principal Dickenson started calling the names.

(Thirty minutes after every name is called)

"And that ladies and gentlemen is your class of 2014" Principal Dickenson said. "You may now stand up and throw your caps"

We all got up and threw our caps up in the air as the crowd of families cheered.

(Thirty Minutes later)

"Okay just one more picture," Nadia said. 

"We've already taken twenty big sis," I said. "Can we go eat now?"

"Wait she's right, you need a couple more pictures," my dad said taking more with his camera.

"Okay the last one with just you and Dominic," dad said.

Dominic walked over and hugged me from behind. After several pics and hugs from others who graduated, we finally hopped into our cars and went out to eat.

We all decided to go to my favorite restaurant, Trish's Place, the best diner in the entire world. My dad would always take me and Nadia when we were kids. I would order the double cheese and bacon burger with curly fries and a chocolate milkshake.

Our big crowd walked inside and claimed our booths. The place is just as I remember it. There isn't a thing that has been changed.

"Well if it isn't my favorite customers of all time," said a small ladies voice that I could recognize in a heartbeat. I turned around and saw Trisha Doodlehopper walking over to us. Nadia and I jumped out of our seats and basically tackled her to the floor.

"Where have you two been in the last couple of years?" Trish asked getting up and fixing herself. "I mean I see you guys all the time in the newspaper and magazines, but you never came to visit"

"You can blame our mom," Nadia spat out and crossed her hands. "It's been a rough couple of months, plus once she found out that we came here all time she strictly forbad us from ever coming back"

"I heard about your mom in the news. So how is your dad doing?"

"He's right there," I pointed to the booth that I was sitting at and called for him to come over. "Dad look its Trish"

He turned around and stood up from his seat, "Trish? Trisha Doodlehopper?"

"Hi Derek," they were both silent for a long period of time. Nadia and I stared at them in confusion.

"Are they going to speak anytime soon?!" Dejan said. "Because I am hungry!"

Bianca whacked him in the arm with a menu, "Don't you see they're having a moment?"

"Trish do you still make your world-famous cheeseburgers?" Dominic asked.

"Wait," I said as we all walked back to the booth. "You know Trish too?"

"Explain that later," Chris interrupted. "I'll have the chicken strips and instead of the fries can I get onion ring? And a Sprite"

So everyone sat down and ordered what they wanted. My dad was kind enough to pick up the tab.

"Now you didn't answer my question," I said with a mouth full of curly fries. "How do you know Trish? Is she a family friend? Is she family?"

"Come here," Dominic grabbed my hand and led me towards a wall full of pictures. 

"That one right there is our second date, you were begging me to come here and try her world-famous hamburgers and I've been loving them ever since. This place was where you and I could be alone without any distractions. Once your accident happened, I couldn't find it in my heart to come back here"

"Can you believe that we're about to be in college?" 

I rested my head on his shoulder and grabbing his hand. "It's going to feel weird without seeing the rangers every day"

"I know," Dominic said. "I'm even more worried leaving the responsibility of the studio to the twins. But they're going to be seniors once summer is over, they should handle themselves fine"

"Are you ready to do this?" I asked squeezing his hand.

"More than I'll ever be"

Dance With Me {Book 2: My Dance Partner Series} (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now