Issue #13 "Hello, Danger"

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“You guys are like ten seasons of Ross and Rachel but just like smooshed into one year.”

-          Cisco, The Flash

Issue #13“Hello, Danger”

I arrived at the lair (I’m calling it the Batcave in my head from now on) under the school about an hour later.

The others were gathered around the table, randomly chatting away.

None of them (except one – guess who – were wearing there suits).

Racer was the first to see me and smiled and laughed and grinned and boy does this guy seem happy a lot.

“Keegan, get your fucking ass over here, man!” he shouted, waving for me.

Everyone looked my way the same time, with the exception of Caroline who was busy scolding Racer for swearing.

Among those who paid me any attention was Superboy.

I tried to avert my gaze, but the look on his face made me hold it. He was smiling. Eyes crinkled under his mask. Eyebrows ascending into his blonde hair that I figured he must’ve been spraying with something so I couldn't guess who he was. It was so blonde it was practically gold.  

“Keegy,” he grinned. Like we didn’t just suck each other’s bottom lips a few hours ago. 

I smiled. At least I tried to, but I’m sure it looked like I had fire ants in my briefs.

Superboy noticeably stepped right so I could get in between him and Anti-Freeze all invitation like.  I crept over and squeezed my way in between Anti-Freeze, whose hair was whipped up into a very neat ponytail that shot down her back like a long, black road, and Caroline at the head of the table who had her air pinned back into a bun so tight it looked like it was going to rip her face off.

“Uh. Okay…” I heard from Superboy, but it was instantly drowned out by Caroline clearing her throat for quiet.

“Good for you to finally join us, Keegan,” she said, all snappy.

Naturally, my first instinct is to bite back, but snappy comebacks failed me seeing as my noggin was focusing so much on not making eye contact with the masked boy just one person to my right, who by the way, was probably reading my thoughts.

Naturally, I began singing the Golden Girls theme in my head.

“Okay, so here’s what’s going on,” Caroline said. I probably missed a smorgasbord of pertinent intel, but my mind was basically leaking out my ears at that point. 

“We are sure Major Minus is someone in City Hall,” the redhead continued. “Anti-Freeze used her assets,” she looked up and grinned at the bombshell, who returned it with a sly wink, “and we are pretty damn sure it’s not the Mayor. He’s most likely a puppet.”

“How can we even be really reaaly sure,” Racer asked, sitting down in one of the seats and playing mindlessly with a rubik’s cube. “I mean, I’ve seen enough superhero movies to know that it’s always the guy that everyone least expects and is most emotionally attached to the main star of whatever comic it is.”

Anti-Freeze chuckled, resting her open palms on the desk and raising a brow. “This isn't a comic, Race,” she mocked and he replied swiftly with a “isn't it?” to which she rolled her eyes at and straightened back out. “And if it were, which one of us would even be the main character?”

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