Unknown Presences (13)

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Unknown Presences (13)


It's reallly short cuz I'm having writer's block but don't worreh, it'll get longer soon. Warning, it's a shocker.


Alek's POV

When I opened my eyes, I was on the field next to Mr. Velara, The Pravus. He puleed me to my feet by my hair roughly.

"Whose life matters more to you, hers or yours?" Mr. Velara asked.

I thought for a second. "Mine," I replied. An evil grin spread across his face.

"You will do as I ask. Understood? Or I will torture you until you die. I hate those witches, and I will kill them." Was all Mr. Velara said as he pushed a heavy knife in my hand.

"It's diamond. The most lethal substance to a female witch. For some reason, it doesn't work on me. You will get her alone in the clearing in the woods," I saw a clearing that looked familiar as he continued, "and you will kill her."

I just nodded. I felt bad about betraying Phi. But I wasn't going to give my life up to save her, I'd already given a third of my soul to her. I tucked the diamond knife into my work bag. Mr. Velara changed his appearance back to the old guy he pretended to be. He escorted me back inside. As we walked in, the bell rang and his class filed out. As the last person left, Mr. Velara turned to me.

"Don't let me down," he said as he turned to his desk and motioned for me to leave. I turned and left the room meeting up with Phi at her locker. I pushed her up against the locker and forcefully kissed her.

If she hated me, it would be easier for me to kill her.

She tried to push me away and finally I moved when I thought she was about to blast me. She looked scared of me. MY heart was being ripped out of his chest. I loved her. But not to death.

The rest of the day passed slowly. I was almost scared. Phi could win in a fight if she wanted to. Hopefully, she wouldn't be able to.

At the end of the day, I found her and put a hand on her waist.

"Come with me, baby girl." I said nicely. She nodded, only half paying attention.

I led her out the door and to the woods. I kept walking until we reached the clearing I had seen in my vision from Velara.

"Alek, why did you bring me out here?" Phi asked, turning to face me.

I got close to her, like I was about to kiss her. "For this," I said, thrusting the knife as far into her chest as possible.

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