Growing Together

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Cascading right into her, Taria was in fact stunned her brother made it to Fain before she had. Enfolding Fain's torso tightly against his, Lothar grabbed for Fain without hesitation into a firm embrace.

"You did it little monster, see I told you-" remission about the turn out of the Alliance's meeting left the King with a pleasant smile of easement hinting on his face. Lothar's green eyes sparking down as he looked on at Fain he held an arms length away from him.

"You did so well dear," Taria breaking in for her turn with Fain as the gentle touch of the Queen's hand caressed Fain's pale cheek. Closing her slate eyes Fain gave into the tender touch Taria laid against her cheek and couldn't help smile childishly to the woman.

"I don't understand what they asked of me though?" Casting a concerned look from King back to the Queen, Fain wavered in her assurance as she felt Khadgar linger behind her, "These trails what if I-"

"You can and you will," Lothar informed Fain sternly, giving her a slight shake of the head discarding her worrisome thoughts, "What they ask of you is to prove yourself. That is it little monster."

"Which we know you can do, you've done it already for us. For Stormwind," Beckoning with her hand a little Taria insured Fain there was no worry. Little of it seemed to be making its way to the woman though as her brows pinched in the middle of her forehead and grey blue eyes fell down to the floor.

Displeased with Fain's reluctance to take assurance that the difficult part was done and over with, Lothar stepped in front of the woman. A benign touch as Lothar lifted Fain's chin up to see her clear eyes focus up to him.

"Listen to me, you're stubborn. Strong, passionate and have the resolve of a natural born soldier," Caught up in his dutiful thoughts on the woman, Lothar smirked a little and closed his eyes briefly before resuming, "You need to stop doubting yourself. Look how far you've made it now. Did you expect to even make it to this world to see that fool?"

The gesture was over at Khadgar who foundered a little bit of a disgruntled looked but didn't interrupt his King's speech. Fain took a deep breath that sunk in her belly and she reached up to move Lothar's hands away from her chin, "After this...all of this, I would like to swear my allegiance to you, to the entire Alliance. I want to like how you would in this world, be it in a crowd or however your kind does it."

"A swearing ceremony, like a solider?" Khadgar interjected, looking to understand what his fellow spellcaster meant.

Fain nodded, "I want to be a solider for the alliance."

"You're a spellcasters we don't-" starting his obtuse denial of her request Khadgar frowned at Fain.

Lothar cut the mage off , "Is this what you wish little monster?" Flicking his starred on at his female friend.

"I want to serve you both King of Stormwind and Queen of Stormwind," Trading both of them a look Fain proceeded to kneel down before them both, head bent down, "I've asked of you before to spare me, to hear me out. Now I want to return the favor for your kindness and fight along side you both as well as the rest of Azeroth."

A second longer and Khadgar was going to counter what Fain spoke. But Taria's glance darted over to her world's guardian cutting him short. Lothar on the other hand looked down at Fain recalling how his feelings had changed since the last time she knelt before him asking for him to hear her voice out. If he hadn't the chance of his sister's life lost as well as Stormwind's downfall may have been eminent. This woman was a key against Gul'dan he so desperately needed. Keeping her beside him in and out of battle, Lothar starred at the curls of her dark blonde hair until his attention drew back to the present.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 28, 2017 ⏰

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