Lost In Thoughts and Apprehension

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Flirting with sleep just enough that Varian would ever so often twitch in Fain's lap before remaining still or reaching back up to find his hand hold in the hem of the woman's sleeve. Almost an hour had passed since the young king to be crawled into Fain's lap, after a polite but exhausted inquire about sitting in his new favorite person's lap. Lothar even twanged with jealousy seeing his only nephew nodding off in the newcomers lap.

"Ok, but I don't understand, there's like a king...but no princesses or princes or queens?" Adariall staving off any onset tiredness by persisting in asking questions about Fain's home.

"Nope." shaking her head Fain looked down as Varian, against the pleasure of his mother, tugged at the thumb in his mouth and wiggled to a more comfortable position on the warlock's lap. Bemused with the little life sleeping on her chest, Fain watched Varian until Adariall's voice reminded her of their conversation, "Oh, no. Nothing like it is here. One person, being I guess, has total control. No one has a say in anything."

"And you were, like part of their army?" Adariall's weft of thick coiling dark hair shifted with her perking question.

Fain pressed her nose into the top of Varian's head, the sweet set scent of the young boys hair tickling her nose as the question hung heavy in the air. This a little more sensitive subject than the young girl just asking simple political questions about where Fain came from, "...I was going to lead one of his armies yes."

"Like uncle?" Varian to everyones surprise had popped his thumb out of his mouth enough to pose his inquiry when trying to understand what Fain was explaining about her world.

Fain's slate eyes shifted over to the King sitting cocked back in his chair across the table. Lothar's green eyes flickered on the woman, the association with Fain's revolting reason for ever coming to Stormwind tainting the mood of the night. Jaw set tense Lothar looked away to his stein disregarding the fact Fain had originally come to Stormwind to over throw the King and his family. Only Khadgar's hand tracing minute circles mindlessly on Fain's shoulder was the only movement in the still room.

"...I think everyone's getting tired my dears," Taria as always was the one to defuse the tense situation. As she rose from her chair the Queen set her hand on her eldest daughter's shoulder and leaned down to kiss the princess's head gingerly.

"But mom..." Adariall awake enough to protest and Varian only grumbling as his hand twisted in Fain's gown and he hid his face in her bosom like it was hide him from his mother's watchful eyes.

"No fits, you're already an hour past your bedtimes," Taria's hand followed along her daughter's shoulder and broke away when she approached the stuck Fain with Varian draped on her chest. Not to the warlocks protests as she enjoyed holding the young boy. Fleeting thoughts of her younger brothers she missed just as dearly as everyone else in her family. Varian had her rooted in her chair and Khadgar wedged behind her. After the meal she'd moved to sit closer to the kids and of course the mage. The kids taking up her attention it was still a sigh of silent relief when she'd sat down next to Khadgar and his hand gently squeezed her thigh throughout the night or he thoughtlessly drew circles along her shoulders each time he'd lean in to hear or speak to the children enthralled with Fain.

"Looks like someone found a new bed," Lothar, who'd been pleasantly mellow much to the delight of Khadgar after watching the King drain a few mugs of brew throughout the meal, grinned over at his nephew hiding his face in Fain's chest like a hiding rabbit. Little arguing came from the boy when his mother looped her arms around him and peeled him off of the woman into her own arms. Beer sitting heavy in the King's stomach Lothar felt as tired as the little prince looked. When his eyes moved from his nephew to the mage sitting beside Fain, uncharacteristically quiet and plucking at his bottom lip in his traditionally stemming fashion, right away Lothar had to throw him some sort of teasing his friends way, "Bookworm, you're quiet, thinking about having one of your own huh?"

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