King's Command

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Muddled and grasping at the light that seemed to flutter for a moment before sinking back to it's hollow, Khadgar stirred in the mid morning as sun poured from the windows onto his uncovered face. Grumbling something and rubbing at the brightness in his eyes the man was groggy and took far longer than normal to gain some sense of semblance of the room around him. When the mage did find a firm grasp on his conscious all of the past twenty four hours came slamming into his mind. Sitting up with a abruptness, Khadgar's hand promptly jerked up to touch his warm lips, tacky from a night of sleeping partially slack jawed.

"But I..." Scrunching his brows, Khadgar looked around. Everything neatly in place in his lofty room. Nothing out of place nor was he sitting in bed. Questioning if everything that happened after the dinner, Khadgar massaged his palms into his aching temples. Waking up so fuddled there was an unexpected startle when the mage realized he was laying on top of his bedding while also being fully clothed.

It was all the proof he required to show that last night did indeed transpire. Khadgar was tickled that he recalled the encounter, but was baffled on how he'd gotten back into his chambers without recalling any of it. Unsettled in fact by the magic trick preformed on him without the so called Guardian even knowing it.

Chewing on his bottom lip nervously, Khadgar swiveled to the edge of the bed and looked down to even see his boots still one. Tossing ideas of worst outcomes he was glad to be in one piece as well as fully clothed in his own room instead of Gods know where in Azeroth. Making to stand up the spell caster faltered a bit. Woozy surely from the spell placed on him but Khadgar propped himself against the bed and held on a bit to steady himself.

Less concerned now by the magic what caused him anxiety was when he reached into his robes and didn't feel the worn leather spine of his dream journal. Agitated the man stumbled over to the bed side table and searched. No where. Casting his eyes to the writing desk across the room he briskly crossed over and flung ope drawer after drawer looking for his paper bound thoughts and dreams. No where.

Clutching his robes Khadgar felt around in his bulky clothing thinking he'd miss placed it or unintended eyes found it and placed it back in the wrong pocket. Nothing. Cursing under his breath Khadgar reached up and combed his long tapered fingers through the mat of brown hair and let a slow wrought exhale pass his lips.

"Fain..." Swaying and leaning back against the the heavy desk Khadgar took a long breath thinking to himself what prevailed last night aside from his breaking and entering then succumbing to unfamiliar magic like he was a naive recruit. Now, even more questions floated in his troubled thoughts along with the anxiety of not having his journal.

Unsettled he figured talking things out would make it better so he propelled himself off the desk and swiftly made his way out of the room. Peering around past his area in the royal district, it was obvious last nights festivals meant a slow morning for the people of Stormwind.

Dawdling around a few corners and peeking his nose around to see if there was any commotion going on, Khadgar was astonished at how sullen and quiet the Royal Keep was. Bringing up thoughts of how drunk Lothar would be the mage was hoping with fingers crossed that his king would at least be awake and not in a stupor for the next two days. His walk to Lothar's quarters turning into more of a pleasant stroll as Khadgar saw he might be the most awake person in the keep even with considering his trudge to wake up from a spell.

It passed him by in thought that he probably should keep the unknown spell to himself. Lothar didn't need to know quiet yet about how easily the Guardian yielded to these foreigners spells. That fleeting thought passed as he rounded the corner to Lothar's chambers. Two stationed guards as always halting the mage before allowing him in. Neither spared if their king was drunk, awake or passed out so Khadgar held his breath and proceeded in.

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