Lock Tears Blood

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Chalk dust found its way under his nails and Khadgar groaned loudly trying to dig out the white dust from his nails for the fifth time. Lothar across from him finishing his job and placing the last vase on top of the rune he'd just etched out moments before. Padding down his cloak, billows of dust puffing off his hands as he did so, Khadgar stood back on his feet and looked at the lay out he and Lothar had finished constructing.

"Is that all of them?" Lothar scanned the room looking for a peak of any uncovered runes he'd just so painstakingly tried to cover nonchalantly with items.

"Every last one of them," Khadgar informed, eyes set forward on the room coming together as a trap.

Cocking his head to the side Lothar gave the mage a side ways glance while nudging his friend in the side, "You've been quiet, scared?"

"No," Khadgar's brown eyes fell from the majority of the room to his feet, "I just...I woke up feeling strange this morning."

"You wake up with that little flirt of yours eh?" Lothar's green eyes sparkled with sarcasm as he elbowed his side once more, "Got lucky yet boy?"

Giving a stern frown, Khadgar failed to see his King's obsession with his activities with Fain, "Why does it matter if we sleep together? Not everything leads to sex Lothar."

"Don't give me that speech Khadgar I saw you two walk back to your barracks together," Lothar's eyes rolled to the back of his skull in exaggeration, "No shame in it, the girl obviously wants you to court her, do it already."

"Not all of us insist on drunk sloppy seconds like you Lothar-" Khadgar sneered.

Lothar growled, "Sloppy seconds has nothing to do with enjoying a woman who holds her liquor."

"You've enjoyed ALL the women who even touch the stuff!" Khadgar exacerbated the king's constant need for company.

"At least I enjoy women like it should be!" Lothar roared.

"I haven't been with a woman ok!" Khadgar finally sputtered out, flushed red in the face from the mix of embarrassment and anger, "Is that what you want to hear? There you're more of a man happy now O'Great King of Stormwind. I haven't been with a woman and Fain ran away when she kissed me last night. She...she kissed me and I guess it showed because she turned tails and ran."

Khadgar shot his king a look and Lothar had fallen silent. Normal prodding producing nothing but playful bickering between the two. This was something else, uncomfortable knowledge for Lothar to even try to respond to. The look lasted only seconds as Khadgar disregarded him with a simple shake of his head and moved out of the room.

"We have work to do, Fain needs her supplies for the effigies." Khadgar reminded the man as he trailed out the room. Lothar rubbing his palm along the back of his neck feeling the need to apologize but Khadgar wasting no more time on him as the mage walked briskly down the hall to where the others were.

Across the hall and a dozen doors down Fain and Taria busied themselves with the construction of the two effigies. Mostly Fain as she preformed the construction and Taria insured the woman had what she needed and watched curious at the pale hands of the warlock knotting, tying and looping together small almost straw like dolls of no gender.

"And these will become Lothar and I?" Taria could not hold her curiosity as she picked up the finished one. Rolling its little body over in her hands as she examined the wicker doll with no discerning marks of herself or of her brother.

"They are not going to be either of you, they hold the magic and coding to project your forms for me," Fain clarified once more for the intrigued woman. Her nimble fingers busy at work trying the last of the twine around the final dolls neck and looping it down it's torso for a snug fit. Bringing it up to her teeth Fain snapped the excess material off in one bite and tucked the little twine into the toys waist.

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