Old Gods, Find Me

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Khadgar laid his book down on the cold stone table in front of him. Rubbing his fatigued brown eyes from a taxing night of reading one piece of lore after another throughout the entire night. Casting a look out the study's window Khadgar saw the sun hanging over the tree line outstretched past the cliffside.

"Must be some time nearing noon," mumbling to himself the mage sat back in his chair and inspected the scattered papers and open pamphlets littering the table. Groaning he tilted his head back and smeared his hands down his face trying to wipe away the weariness sinking in on him. Reading had distracted him enough only when he focussed hard on the words in each piece of literature. All of it a sheer shroud distracting him from the real taunting thoughts he kept quiet.

Eyes drifting down to his palms in his lap Khadgar rotated his palms facing up and outlined their creases with tired brown eyes. Unsure what felt real and what didn't the young mage could only reflect back on those fragment like dreams he'd mistaken for fantasy. The stirring feeling of betrayal and confusion lingered even longer when Khadgar caught glimpses, or at least faint feelings more than actual memories, of Fain's lips on his, her hands entwined with his or the simplest sensation of her skin against him. Like he still wasn't awake and the warm smoothness of her body against his palms or her soft lips against his would ghost him for a mere second before fluttering away erratically like a butterfly.

Sighing deeply he leaned forward, propped his elbows on his knees and Khadgar let his chin sink between his hands. Mindlessly rubbing his fingertips over the over grown stubble on his face Khadgar stared out at his work. Was this really all his life meant? Deciphering problem after problem. Looking back on old testaments searching to answer corruption as it arose in Azeroth like a stubborn weed. Good verses evil. Generation after generation of kings and queens he was supposed to watch come and go like nothing.

To watch Lothar go just as easily as the warrior King had slipped into his life? Bitter at the thought entirely Khadgar ground his palms into his eyes hoping to rid himself of the terrible thought that one day he would be standing next to Lothar's memorial just as he'd done to King Llane.

"...And Fain..." mumbling to himself, Khadgar didn't even know the life expectancy of her kind. Was she to live out like a human now? Do they live longer or perish sooner than this world aloud? At what difference did it make, fretting about the untrustworthy girl, he would out live her anyways. Guardians solitude is what keeps them strong and focused on what the title really meant. And that was protecting Azeroth at any cost.

Jammed on the thought though, Khadgar swiveled around in his chair to catch a glimpse of the faceless scrying bowl in the middle of the study. Now it's magic waters lay calm and without a ripple. But the imaged etched in his mind of her curled up under his robes alone in his room. It bit at Khadgar too much to ignore. If she'd meant him any ill will or just wanted to use him why was she dwelling on it. And sneaking into his room when the city slumbered just to fall asleep under his belongings.

Fixating on the bowl he sat slumped against the chair's back confuting in his mind to use it just once more to see how right he was about the girl having no interested. Juvenile about it he hassled with the desire to see Fain's face once more but knew stepping back and only counting this as experience would serve him the greater good of a lesson. The dispute in actions gnawed away at him just as he gnawed at his bottom lip tossing it around.

Khadgar quickly stood giving into the call for seeing Fain just once more before putting this all behind him. The blackish water while it's surface had remained stern and a sheen of smooth glass, gave to a sudden small ripple. Taken by surprise Khadgar looked back thinking he'd knocked the chair down. But the four legged furniture was unmoved from his standing up. Furrowing his brows Khadgar glanced back over at the scrying bowl only to witness another dance of ripples follow out to the lip of the bowl.

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