Behind Barrack Doors

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"It was her! I'm not just making this up you saw her!" Khadgar was beside himself as he finally got the first chance of the day to confide in his king of what transpired so quickly in the mere hours of midday.

"Yes I saw it, that doesn't mean anything you may have just-"

"May have just what? Imagined all of this? All of this for the past year?" Khadgar shot back at Lothar, who knew instantaneously it was dumb and shook his head throwing his words away as he leaned forward on the table and ran his fingers through the long locks of hair in dismay, "Did she speak? Did the rest talk more? What did they say? What did she say?" Khadgar's mouth overriding his brain as he spilled out everything powering through his conscious, Lothar being unlucky at the receiving end of this unravelling.

Sitting back with a sigh, Lothar offered nothing but a shrug as he shook his head, "Nothing. No one but the old rag said much of anything. The two women added a few but, the two of them, what'd he call them...apoc-... acolytes? Those two said nothing. The girl didn't even look up the entire time, she was like dwarven stone." Lothar did his best to quell his friends urgent curiosity but he could tell it was doing no good.

"This can't just be chance, something significant must be trying to show itself-" Khadgar grabbed his journal and plopped down across from Lothar at the table. Not even waiting to take everything out, flip through the pages and glide over drawing after drawing, "Fel, this meeting, Shadow Council? This means something if I can just-"

"Khadgar," Lothar interrupted him in a collected tone, reaching out and setting his broad hand in the middle of his comrades papers, "Stop, Azeroth needs this advantage. Stormwind needs this advantage."

"Oh Lothar please, don't tell me you don't sense something fishy about this," Khadgar objected right away but Lothar shook his head and didn't move his hand.

"We have no advantage!" the king stood and slammed his fist down on the papers, "None. These individuals are all we could have at stopping Gul'dan."

"I'm the guardian, I have the books I-"

"Khadgar, you haven't been the guardian for barely a month. You haven't even gone through Medvi's things!" Lothar felt his temper slipping and he closed his eyes, taking a step back to gather himself, "You don't have the opportunity to read, we need assurance now. Stormwind needs this....we need this Khadgar." Their eyes met and Lothar held his gaze as he shook his head, "Don't mess this up, leave your ego here but you go out that door," Lothar pointed back to the barracks door of his room, "You are the Guardian, you influence these people, my people. Don't let them lose hope."

Biting back the impulse to retort, Khadgar like always knew he spoke the truth. Whatever this was, these papers meant of the woman meant in his dreams, he couldn't let that affect his duty. Sworn to the King, to Lothar before him, Khadgar begrudgingly nodded. Looking down at the months worth of scribbles and sketches and assorted papers, he felt so lost now that it came to be tangible, or what seemed tangible. Now he was being ordered to drop what had caused him so many restless nights.

Seeing the dismal hurt settle down on him, Lothar knew crushing his spirits was the only way to insure the impulsive mage wouldn't tear any diplomacy made with these new strangers. It still caused a sour taste in the kings mouth and he knew he may come to regret what he was about to do.

A long exhale and Lothar moved forward with earnest, tearing a piece of paper off a nearby blank sheet, dabbing the quill in ink and scribbling down barely read able words. Taking Khadgar's hand, Lothar slapped the sheet in his palm and made sure Khadgar was looking right at him, "Her barrack number, which hall....and not go there until it is dark, wait until the guards change and if you see ANYTHING you leave and tell me in the morning."

Astonished, Khadgar's jaw was slack in disbelief, "Y-You want me to spy?"

"No, I want you to get this done and over with. Whatever you two talk about keep it between you. I do not know you did this and Athrikus and this Lord Fel'Dan don't need to know. Got it boy?" Lothar trailed off with his indignant old title he'd given him when they first met, "Do you understand?"

Blinking until he was sure his brown eyes would fall out of his skull, Khadgar nodded enthusiastically as he squirreled the paper away in his robes, "I won't at all! I know the guards schedule and no one will see me at all!"

"Shh!" Lothar shoved his hand on Khadgar's mouth, "Shut it! Now-" the king shook his head and turned on a heel away from the mage, "You will come to the dinner hall and if you are spoken too actually keep your tongue from rolling on the dining table."

"Lothar you know I-" Khadgar began to protest the accusation from previously in the throne room when Athrikus through a little charade of making fun of the tongue bound mage in front fo the dignitaries of Azeroth.

"I know, but, just please. This one time, it's a normal dinner. Nothing out of the ordinary." Lothar was rubbing his temples as he envisioned all the things that could possibly collide tonight, let alone thinking about the brown haired wizard he just unleashed on the city to be snooping around in the dead of night. Showing himself to the door Lothar needed a drink or something stiff before the feast began so he began taking his leave before turning partially to add on, "She will be seated in front of you at the hall, can you-"

"Yes yes yes! It will all be fine!" he exclaimed, ushering the king from his room in a hurry, already caught up in deciphering what he already had from his dreams and making a mental list of what he needed to look for in this woman's room. Not even thinking twice about letting himself in, seeing as she owed it to him after plaguing his dreams for so long, answers were only fair.

"Khadgar just please," Lothar stressed as he was leaving, "Please, just remember Azeroth needs this."

Looking up from the paper in his hands, the current clicked with him and Khadgar nodded trying to reassure his king that this was in no way going to leave a bitter taste for him to wake up to in the morning.

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