Chapter 18: Kit Kat's

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*Katherine's POV*

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Not good. Not good. Not good.

I'm so dead. I'm so dead. I'm so dead.

Luke was just standing there, glaring at me. If looks could kill, I'd probably be dead right now. I was walking towards him swiftly, thinking of something to say that would explain what just happened like "It's not what you think" or "He's nothing to me" or "I don't even know him, I swear!"  But before I could take another step, look just give me a cold glance; his eyes filled with disbelief and walked away.

You heard me.

He just walked away.

My mouth was wide open. What just happened right there? Does Luke seriously think I'm into Chase or something?! Just then, some one spun me to face them. Annoyed at the sudden interruption, I frowned and served my most annoyed look to...

Stacey Mathews.

a.k.a Junior year's slut. What the hell did she want now? I remember Stacey and I were best friends till 9th grade. At that time, she was dating Robby Foster (this really hot guy that she had been crushing on since 4th grade).  Apparently, some girl filled her ears with complete lies about Robby and I. The next day, Stacey came up to me and asked me why I had to be such a bitch and kiss her boyfriend behind her back. I tried to tell her the rumours weren't true but she didn't believe me. Even Robby broke up with her the next day for doubting him and from that day onwards, her only goal in life is to make my life a living hell.

"Yes?'' I asked, pressing my lips into a thin line.

She crossed her arms over her chest and stared at me.

"Why were you talking to him? Don't tell me you want to steal him away too, you bitch!" she spat at me.

I frowned in confusion.

"First of all, I have no idea who you're talking about. Second of all, thanks for calling me a bitch. You see, a bitch is a dog. Dog's bark. Bark is on trees. Trees are a part of nature; and nature is beautiful. Oh and third of all, move; your bimbo presence is making me late to class which is much more important than you are to me for sure.'' I smiled at her bitterly.

For a split second, she was at complete loss for words but she wiped that bewildered look off her face and sneered, "Don't play dumb, I'm talking  about Chase. Don't you get it? He's not interested in you at all so stop trailing behind him like a lost puppy."

How dare she.

"Once again Stacey, you're wrong. For your information, he approached ME. Now go and cry your eyes out in a bathroom and move out of my way. I've got more important things to deal with so shoo." I smirked. Wow, living with Luke for this long really did teach me how to talk back to losers like her.

And then it came at me. In the blink of an eye, I was soaked in pure, white,


Oh no she didn't. I bawled my hands into fists and was about to  give her the most beautiful punch on her fake little face in the history of punches until some one wrapped a protective hand around me and whispered in my ear: "Let's get you home. She's not worth it."

I looked up to see green twinkling eyes stare down into mine. Chase. Again. But I guess he was right. She really wasn't worth it. I gave her a "You'll-Pay-For-This" glare and walked out with Chase.

I certainly couldn't attend Bio class in a state like this so I guess I had to go home and take a shower. That attention-whore! I wasn't going to spare her.

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