Chapter 16: Werewolf Zombies

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: vevaslife

Chapter 16

*Luke’s POV*    


It had been a week since we came back from Hawaii. It was great how I got to know how Katherine felt about me and she did too. But I wasn’t exactly being her “Romeo” lately. As a matter of fact, things were a little awkward between us these days. Probably because Katherine wasn’t the girl whose hand I could hold in the school halls or kiss by her locker or bring home and introduce to my parents, and she knew it too.

“Luke!” Mr. Boron barked, instantly snapping me out of my thoughts.

Mr. Boron was my chemistry teacher. But my friends and I call him “Mr. Moron” when he’s not around because he is seriously the lamest teacher on earth. He’s even named after a chemical element; I mean how lame is that?

 “Yes?” I asked

“Pay attention or you’ll fail chemistry and won’t be able to graduate from senior year.”

“Yea, okay. Got it” I replied. This guy made me hate chemistry even more.

Mr. Moron just rolled his eyes and began ranting on and on about something I couldn’t care less about. I managed to sleep with my eyes open throughout the whole period thankfully.

*Lunch time*

“Dude, who are you taking to the spring dance?” James asked.

I had like a bunch of friends in total but James was my best buddy. We literally grew up together and knew everything about each other. He was the only guy I told about Katherine.

“No one. I’m not going.” I replied back.

“What the hell? Why?! Take Katherine.”  He screamed, whispering. If that’s even possible.

“She’s not gonna say yes and besides, everyone here knows that she is my step-sister” I frowned.

“You’re a douche! You know that? She’s probably waiting for you to ask her out and so what if you’re related. The world won’t turn upside down if you guys show up together man. Besides, everyone always talks about how ‘cute’ you guys will look together” James chuckled.

“You sure? I mean how will I get past my parents with this?” I asked, really confused now. I never had plans of going to the spring dance in the first place and here was James trying to brain talk me into it or something.

“Tell them. They need to know one day anyways. And if you think you can keep it away from them, they’re gonna find out and take things to a whole different level.” He suggested.

There I was. Just looking at James as if he had grown two heads. How stupid would I be to tell them that.

“Dude, no way. You’re crazy” I told him, making the cuckoo sign.

My Sexy Brotherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें