Chapter 11: Honolulu Girls

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Luke’s POV*

Katherine and I returned from the lake at about 8:00 PM that day. We had dinner and then went to our rooms to sleep. I wish that one day she finds out my feelings for her. I mean I do agree that I always tell her I love her but I guess she never takes it the other way.

*6:00 AM- Next day*

“Morning!” I shouted as I swung Katherine’s door open. She jumped up from her bed in alarm and got annoyed that it was only me standing at the door.

“Go away Luke, I’m sleepy” Kat muttered as she threw a pillow at me from her bed.

“Woah! Take it easy kitty, nothing wrong with greeting my little sister in the morning” I caught the pillow which was in mid-air, two inches away from hitting my face

“Lemme sleep” she said sleepily and pulled the blanket over her head.

“Whatever you say” I told her and ran out of the room.

Just then I bumped into a hard chest, the person who I bumped into fell with me on the ground. Oww. That hurt! My vision was blurred and after a few seconds I rubbed my eyes to see who I was laying on top of

“Dad?!” I was shocked

“Hello kiddo!” he replied

“Hi Lauren” I greeted Katherine’s mom as she came in too.

“What are you both doing here so soon? Is Uncle Tom feeling better now?” I asked.

Just then Katherine came out of her room. She was still wearing her pj’s.

“Mom! Martin!” Katherine shouted as she saw our parents and hugged both of them.

“It’s good to see you honey!” Lauren told Kat.

“Good to see you too mom, why back so soon though?”               

“Well actually, you see since yesterday was Valentine’s and the school informed us that there are going to be vacations for a week, we’re going on a trip” Lauren replied.

“A trip? Where?” I asked.

“We’re going to Hawaii, son.” Dad finished, smiling.

“Hawaii? Oh really! That’s wonderful!” Katherine exclaimed.

“Pack your bags honey, we’re leaving tomorrow” Dad told Katherine and I.

Katherine went upstairs to her room and I went to mine which was upstairs and right next to hers. I went to my closet and threw two pairs of shorts, a few t-shirts and a pair of jeans into the small suitcase Uncle Tom had given me for Christmas last year.

I decided to check on Kat to see what she was up to so I barged in her room.

“You know there is a term in this world called ‘knocking’ ever heard of it before?” Kat snapped. She was still angry about earlier when I disturbed her sleep.

“You don’t say? What is this ‘knocking’ that you speak of?” I asked, laughing.

She gave me an evil look and went back to packing.

“You know a coconut bra and a grass skirt would come in handy over there, you might want to pack that too” I suggested.

She couldn’t keep her “trying-to-be-angry-at-you” act together any longer and snorted in laughter. I began laughing too and went out of her room. Tomorrow was our flight to Hawaii.

*Next day, the whole family is at the airport*

*Katherine’s POV*

“We’ll be back in a few minutes okay? We have some paperwork left to do. Don’t go anywhere, the flight will be taking off in half an hour. Katherine, Luke, stay together” Mom told both of us and left with Martin (Luke’s dad)

“Are you excited?” I asked Luke nervously.

“What’s a better place than that where there are Honolulu girls? Of course I’m excited!” Luke replied back with satisfaction in his answer.

I began laughing uncontrollably that it was beginning to sound weird and before I knew it, I slipped in the middle of the airport. There I was, laying like an idiot on the floor with my legs sprawled open.

“Ar-are you okay?” Luke asked as he offered me a hand. I noticed that he was trying really hard to control his laughter.

“Yea I guess. Ow.” I said as I rubbed my butt hoping the pain would go away.

We sat on the seats in the airport silently. Luke apparently, found my little comedy act extremely amusing and that’s why his face was bright red from all the effort he was trying to stop a single laugh from slipping out. Thankfully, mom and Jason came back soon and we sat on the aero plane. Luke and I had to sit next to each other and he wasn’t exactly the ideal person to be sitting next to as the minute he sat on the plane, he put on his head phones and began munching a bag of Lays. I, on the other hand was looking out the window the whole time until I lulled myself to sleep.


A/N: So did you guys like it?! 



Fan. <3

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