Chapter 16 - Gnarlak

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Everything was black. Darkness had consumed her. And sobbing was heard. Definitely not coming from her. She walked around, aimlessly. But then found herself staring at a boy, knees on chest, and sobbing violently.

"Hello?" She asked. The boy shot up with fright, and glanced behind him. There stood a woman with (Hair Color) hair, and (Eye Color) shining orbs, that showed a high level of concern.

"How– Who are you?" He asked, quite startled. "I'm (Name), you are?" The boy stood up, trying to look tough. "None of your business,"

The girl chuckled, then walked over to him. "You seem so real. I mean, I know I'm dreaming, but–"

"You're dreaming? But this is. . . My dream. . ." He muttered. (Name)'s eyes widened. "So, you're telling me that, you're a real person?!"



After a while of chatting, (Name) finally broke it. "Why were you crying?" She asked. The boy looked at her with sadness. "It–It's none of your concern, madam," He tried convincing her, but that didn't do. "Well, upon seeing you crying here alone, I'm guessing you have no one to talk to. So, I'm your only help," She pointed out.

"I suppose so," He started explaining about his abusive adoptive mother, and how he wants to learn wizardry. "Wait, hold on," (Name) immediately snaps. "How do you know about the wizarding world?!" The boy's eyed widened. "You're a wizard, aren't you?"! He asked. Hesitantly, she nods.

"Great! I could ask you to teach me! I don't need to ask the other man," He whispered the last sentence. "Who's the other man?"

"Oh! I cannot tell, but he tasked me to track down something he calls an Obscurial, in exchange he would teach me wizardry,"


"Kid, where are you?! Who are you?!" She suddenly asked, quite loudly. "W-What?" The boy's face turned pale. "Who is the man?!" She asked. "I'm sorry madam, but I can't tell you,"

"Please, kid. I need to know," She pleaded. The boy sighed in defeat, and said: "His name is–" He was cut by light.

The light stretched in, and attacked. They were like giant tendrils of light, grabbing onto (Name)'s waist, and dragging her away. "No!" She yelled. "(Name)! My name's Credence!" He yelled.




"(Name)!" The girl shot up from the chair she had fallen asleep on, shouting: "Credence!" Newt stared at her with confusion. "Credence?" He asked. (Name) looked up at him, then smiled. "Ah! Nothing," She spoke.

Newt wanted to speak, but he knew better than to fire questions at (Name). "Anyway, (Name), Tina and the others'er out. They're waiting for us," He whispered. (Name) stood up, and walked out the case without questioning.

As they had stepped out, (Name) was greeted by a dark alley. "Great. Another dark place," She muttered. Newt faced her, quite confused, but chose to ignore it.

     They walked down some stairs, but then they had stopped on front of a door. Tina and Queenie waved their wands, and their clothes turned into fancy looking dresses. Newt gulped, then fixed his tie. (Name) shrugged, and simply flattened her (Colored) coat.

     "Where are we?" She asked. Tina sighed, pointing at a small sign. "The Blind Pig," She said. "Sounds like it was named by a drunk bleeder," (Name) murmured. "Shush, child. Shush," Newt hushed her.

     After a while of standing there, Tina knocked on the door, and said something inaudible to (Name)'s ears, and the door swung open.

     (Name) walked in, her arms linked with Newt's. Classy music was heard, and lots of people were drinking. Some of them even drunk already. Queenie took Jacob, and went to the bar, while Newt and (Name) followed after Tina.

The place reeked of alcohol, and old grumpy men. But that didn't seem to bother (Name). What bothered her was that they were headed to a chair with a creepy goblin sitting there. The goblin smiled up at the sight of Tina. "Ah! Tina!" Tina ignored that, and they sat down.

"Gnarlak, we need your help," She said, quite seriously. That being said, (Name)'s head wandered off to Credence. She wanted to help the poor kid. But that was out of her reach. At least for now.

Maybe after they had found Newt's creatures, maybe then she could help Credence out. I'm sure it's worth the wait.

But all her thoughts immediately washed away by a huge wave, when she heard the word "Bowtruckle," She snaps her head towards the three and stare.

"Is it?" The goblin asked. Newt covered Pickette. "No, I'm sorry, that was nothing," He tried to reason out. "Come one! Let me see it!" The goblin demanded. "Tell you what,"

"I told you where I saw the other creatures, so in exchange, I want that Bowtruckle," Newt flinched. He hesitantly looked at Pickette, and pulled him off of him. Pickette desperately tried to hop back on Newt's collar, but Newt pulled him away. The awkward man looked down at the Bowtruckle he was about to give up, while Pickette looked helplessly at Newt.

As Pickette was handed over to the creepy goblin known as Gnarlak, a grin was plastered across his face, and the entrance of the bar was filled with aurors. Jacob and Queenie rushed over to them, and Jacob ran past them, punching Gnarlak on the face, giving Newt the opportunity to grab Pickette out of his grasp. Jacob scoffed. "You son of a—"

"Language, Jacob!" (Name) yelled. She was panicked, that her British accent was quite thick for a moment. (Oh my, I imagined Evie Frye yelling that at Jacob xD. Am I the only one? Yes? Oh.) the four heroic bunch was finally coming to an end. They were all too paralyzed to pick up a wand.

But (Name) had other plans. She pulled her wand out, and took Newt and Queenie's hands. And with one swift swish of a wand, they were gone. The aurors cursed under their breaths. "So what?!" One of the aurors had yelled. "Are we just gonna stand here?! Or actually find them?!" That being said, they all left and started a search.

As the four apparated by a street, Tina started. "Ginzberg Delaunay is just around the corner. We better hurry," She whispered. (Name) looked at her confused. "Ginze–Wha?" She asked, and Newt stifled a giggle. "Aw, shut it," She exclaimed at Newt, and Newt just smiled.

"Gnarlak said Newt's Occamy was spotted there," Tina stated. "Bloody right he did," (Name) said, gazing up on the stone building with a huge hole on the top. "I think I found your Occamy," (Name) nudged Newt.

I'm sorry I haven't been updating! But since it's summer, expect more updates! This goes not only for this book, but for the others! firetigereyes I am so sorry for not updating! This chapter is dedicated to you!

I realized how bad my writing is. Lolol

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