Chapter 9 - Erumpent Trouble

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"Wha- Why is it there?! What is it doing there?!" Jacob yelled. "She, rather," (Name) whispered in terror. "She?" Jacob asked. "She broke into the Zoo on it's journey to mate with the Zoo's hippopotamus," She whispered again.

"You're smarter than I thought," Newt teased. "Shut up, Scamander!" She yelled jokingly back at him. Jacob covered his mouth, trying not to let out a girly squeal escape his mouth.

Newt walked in his case for a moment, then came back out holding a helmet and a vest, and gave it to Jacob. "What's this for?" He asked. "Well, just in case something goes wrong," Newt simply said with a shrug. Jacob gulped, as he took in a deep, shaky breath, then wore the tunic.

Newt held a vial full of some stinky liquid. "What's tha-" Before Jacob could speak, (Name) cut him. "Erumpent Musk," She said, matter of factly. Newt nodded, then put a little on him. He then gave the vial to Jacob, who hesitantly took it.

"Oh, I'm gonna love this," (Name) whispered with an evil smile. She was thrilled to see Newt dance for her amusement. She had seen the dance before, but she never tried it, for it looked hilarious.

Jacob and the female hid behind the bars, as they watched Newt approach the beast. He let out a funny scream, and the Erumpent faced him with curiosity.

Newt started doing weird movements. From rolling on the floor, to moving his bum. She wanted to laugh, but she saw Newt's serious face. He was so desperate to get his beasts back to safety. And she adored that part about him. She ended up staring up at him with adoration.

Newt stole a glance from (Name), making her blush a deep shade of red, that she swore she saw Jacob smirking beside her.

Newt, on the other hand, found it cute, that he blushed slightly. All that becomes very red, as he realized that the girl he had liked for a while now, was watching him dance one of the most humiliating thing he had ever danced.

Butterflies had began to flutter in his stomach, and his feet wobbled. His heart beat faster, and he can't help but look at her.

Suddenly, a fish hit Jacobs head, as he spilled the Erumpent Musk on (Name)'s coat. Jacob's eye widened. "Holy-! I'm so sorry! I'll-" As he tried to rub her coat for the liquid to dry, (Name) pushed him away with fear. "(N-Name)?" He asked with worry.

"No! Jacob! If you touch the coat, the Erumpent would go after you too!" She said with worry. Jacob's eyes widened. "What?!" He yelled.

Attracted by the glorious scent, the Erumpent immediately faced the now pale female. She ran out of the crack on the wall, and into the freezing night. The Erumpent chased her onto the frozen pond water.

She slid across the flat surface, as she stood up straight to stop. Her ice skating practices have finally, somehow, paid off.

"(Name)!" She heard Newt's soft voice shout. "Neeeeeeeewt!" She said in a hurry. As she said that, she lost balance, and fell on her bum, still sliding on the ice with an alarming speed.

The Erumpent grew bigger, as it slid on it's tummy towards her. (Name) held her knees, and clutched her eyes shut, afraid to see what happens after, waiting for impact.


(Name) slowly, yet hesitantly, opened her eyes. She regret doing it, as her face reddened so much at what she saw. Her (Eye Color) orbs were met with blue ones. Her face mere inches away from Newt's. But they had one thing in common. They both had red faces.

This time, Jacob couldn't hide it. The two immediately shot up at the sound of Jacob's squealing. (Name) dusted her coat, and scrunched her nose at the scent of the liquid.

"Ah! (Name), get in the case. I'll clean you up," Newt whispered. As (Name) was about to refuse, she was pushed in by Newt. "Get in, (Name)! You stink!" He yelled. "Yeah! Yeah! Alright! Wait!" She yelled back.

The three stepped into the case. Newt took out some cloth, and wet it with something which us surely not water. He started rubbing your coat.

As he was finished, they felt a light thud. "What was that?" Jacob asked. Newt shrugged. "The case must've been tipped over by the Zoo animals," He spoke. "Oh," The two said.

Little did they know a certain Goldstein had taken Newt's case to a journey into prison.

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