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(Name) walked over to her office, as she noticed the occasional murmurs around her. She slows down, trying to understand the audible whispers.


"New York!"

Were the only words she could hear. Thinking nothing of it, she shrugs it off, and heads to her office.

She sits down, and slightly glares at the huge mountain of letters on the side of her desk. She takes one, slowly ripping it open.

As she was about to read it, a small girl rushes into her office with an alarming speed. (Name) looks up, and sees Norin (Pronounced Noreen), the head auror's assistant.

Norin slowly walked up to her, trying to calm herself down.

"May I help you?" (Name) asked, as she puts the letter back down. She nods quickly, trying to hide her anxiety. (Name) looks down at her letter, waiting for an answer. Her eyes widened as she sees one ticket to New York.

"The head auror needs you,"

Was all she said to make (Name) running as quick as she could with Norin by her side. Norin pushes the door opened, letting them both in.

"She has arrived!"

An older woman with exquisite features smiled calmly at (Name).

"(Name)! I've got a mission for you!"

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