Chapter 1 - New York

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     (Name) clutched her stroller, as the captain had announced that the ship had been docked. She looked over at the ocean, feeling the unfamiliar New York air hit her face.

     A shiver crawled up her spine, as she watched the people she was with, leave the ship and went into the busy streets.

     She took a deep, yet shaky, breath, and walked over to the docks. She had gotten off of the ship, and is now looking cluelessly around her.

     She walks over to the place where, she supposes, is where they check the luggage. (Name) glared down at her feet as she recalled what happened. What happened, you ask? She was forced to go to New York to investigate the sudden attacks of magical creatures.

"Why me?" She whispered.

    "Why did it have to be me?! Why not Norin! I mean, she seems excited about it!" She started to think out loud.

     A man cleared his throat, interrupting (Name)'s train of thoughts. "Luggage, please?" The old man asked. (Name) smiled at the man, and hesitantly handed the old man her stroller, making sure to have switched the Muggle Worthy button.

     (Name) immediately takes her stroller back as soon as the man had dropped it. She rushes into the busy street, trying so hard to squeeze in.

     As soon as she was able to squeeze out, she was greeted by the yells of a woman. She stared blankly at the woman who stood on front of a bank, she suppose.

     "Witches live among us!" The old woman yelled. Thinking nothing of it, (Name) stands there, thinking of how she could find her way towards an inn or some sort.


     (Name) snaps back to reality, as she realizes the old woman was talking to her. "What brings you here?!" She yelled once more. (Name) raises a brow. 'Me?' She mouths.

     The old woman nods. "Oh! Well, I-I was just passing by! I-" She cut herself, as she saw a familiar creature running into the bank.

A Niffler?! How?!

     "You what?!" She yelled. (Name)'s eyes suddenly widen as she saw a man run after it. "I-Uh. . . ," She tried to reason out, not daring to look away from the man who chased the Niffler around.

     "Are you, perhaps, a witch?!" She yelled, causing (Name) to jerk her head up. How'd she know?! She thought. She soon realized that she just believed in them.

     "Certainly not!" (Name) yelled, trying to sound offended. "Then why are you here?!" She yelled. "I'm sorry, I should get going!" (Name) panicked, as she was about to lose sight of the Niffler.

     She runs up the stairs, and into the fancy looking building. She grinned as she saw the Niffler. "Got'cha," She whispered, as she ran over to it.

     The man she had seen earlier had been running around it, trying not to cause attention. Soon, the Niffler runs down to where the vaults were, and (Name) immediately runs after it.

     After a while of trying to make the Niffler drop the jewels, two men Apparated into view. The taller man looked up at (Name) with disbelief, while the smaller one looked as though he had seen a ghost.


     Newt saw the stout man from earlier on the other end of the room, calling his name. He pulls out his wand, and they apparated to where he suppose was where the Niffler ran off too. Only to be surprised to see a young woman scolding the Niffler.


     The tall man stomped over to her and grabbed the Niffler. "That is mine, thank you," He said, sass was hinted. (Name) watched as the man held him by the leg, and shook him. The sight of jewelry and gold falling satisfied her.

     Loud footsteps were heard, as the man continued to scold the Niffler. (Name) ran over to them, and held them tightly.


     She said, as she pulled her wand out, and apparating somewhere else.

     First chapter, woot woot! I was inspired to write an X Reader because of NavitheLady and firetigereyes ! They have AMAZING X Readers! Go check them out!


~Not Edited~


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