Chapter 7 - Frank Likes Her, And Jacob Ships It. WHAT?!

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~~(Very Short!)~~

Newt held (Name)'s hand tightly as though his life depends on it. He almost kinda lost her just a minute ago, and he's afraid it could happen again.

A small private thingy stood there, and a giant majestic looking Thunderbird sat there. He smiled at the sight if Newt, but suddenly stretched his wings out to defend himself as he sees the other two. Newt runs up to him and calms him down. "Sshh! They're with me, Frank. They're with me," He whispers.

Frank suddenly walks up to the amazed female, and examines her. This lead to Newt panicking, afraid he would hurt her. Newt walked over, only to be stopped by Jacob's arm blocking him.

The Thunderbird walked up to her, and nuzzled his head on her chest. (Name) smiled warmly, as she started to pet the powerful beast. Newt stood there, his mouth agape and his eyes widened with disbelief.

Frank doesn't really like people. . . He thought, but shrugged it off and smiled. "Where'd you get him?" She asked, making Newt snap out of his thoughts. "Oh! I,"

"I actually saved him from traffickers at Egypt. I promised to bring him back to Arizona. That's the main reason I came," He spoke. "Poor guy. Must've been through a lot," (Name) says, and starts babying the Thunderbird.

"So," Newt says, putting his hands together. "I need your help to find my creatures," He softly states. "What is it you need?" Jacob asks. "Well," He says.

"We're going to recapture my creatures before they get hurt," He states. "They're in alien terrain," He stops and gives the two a serious look. (Must. Resist. Urge. To. Spell. Serious. As. SIRIUS!)

"Surrounded by the most vicious creatures in the planet-" He looks down for a moment.


"Wonderful speech, Mr. Scamander, but I'm afraid I-" Jacob jumps on front of (Name) and smiles. "We'll do it!" He interrupted. He wanted them to work together, and there is a reason behind it. Call him crazy, but he ships them.

"Mr. Kowalski! I must attend to my business! I-" Again, Jacob shushes her. "No! No, no, no, no, no! This'll help you with your business thing! I mean, what if it's Newt?" He said. Newt looked at him accusingly, as (Name) nodded.

"Good idea," She whispers. Newt gives Jacob the 'What-Is-Wrong-With-You?!' look. Jacob shrugs, and mouths 'Sorry'. "Okay, very well," Newt says, scratching his nape.

"We start tonight! Our first catch-"

"A Niffler,"

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