Chapter 4 - Mr. No-Maj

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     (Name) watched, as Newt's eyes widened in horror. (Name) could read minds somehow. Only a tad bit, though. She isn't as trained as the others.

     She could smell a mixture of shock, and fear. The man glared at Tina. "Well? Are there beasts? Or are there none?" He asked, rather impatiently. "Wha– I don't understand. This can't be," She whispered.

     (Name) walked over to where Tina stood, and looked into the case. It was filled with baked goods. Croissants, cupcakes, and cookies were in it. The aroma spread quickly around her, as her stomach grumbled. She then noticed how hungry she was. As she stared down at the food, the case suddenly shuts. She looked up to see Tina glaring daggers at Newt.

     As soon as the man had left, Newt walked up to her. "That isn't my case. Someone took it," He said. "Who?!" Tina yelled.

     Then, everything came rushing back at (Name).

     She remembered. She remembered when she apparated with Newt and the muggle man.

     She remembered. She remembered when she saw the muggle drop his suitcase with pure shock.

     She remembered. She remembered when Newt put his down to shake her hand.

     She saw. She saw the man grab the wrong case, yet she wasn't able to act.

     "I–I know who it is!" (Name) suddenly blurted out, her face immediately turning pink as Newt faced her. "Well?" Tina said expectingly.

     "The muggle man! He must've took Newt's case instead of his! I heard he was an aspiring baker, too. . . ," She drooled off at the thought of freshly baked goods.



Jacob stared intently at the case that rested on his bed. Just a few minutes ago, it was opening on it's own, and that just made Jacob straight up pee his pants.

Slowly walking towards it, it suddenly snaps open, letting several creatures burst out, and one even biting him. He fell to the ground, and somehow found everything strangely funny.


As Tina tracked him down, they ran over to his apartment, where they found it half destroyed, and the stout man sat there, completely and utterly dazed.

(Name) suddenly spotted a small bite on the man's neck. She examined it, but quickly faced to Newt who was sitting on the bed, holding the case. "Was it opened?" She asked. Newt closed it hard. "Just a smidge," He said softly.

     (Name) faced the muggle and examined the bite. Her eyes widened, as she fell back. "Murtlap!" She yelled. A Murtlap jumped out, running towards Tina for some reason. As much as (Name) hated Tina's first impressions, she still grabbed a broom, and used it as a shield for Tina.

     The Murtlap hits the soft part, and falls down, giving Newt the opportunity to grab it. He did so, and carefully put it in his case. (Name) pulled her wand out, and faced the mess. "Blimey," She whispered.

     She waved her wand swiftly, and said "Reparo!" The broken walls came back on where it used to be, and she grinned.

     "Mr. No-maj!" (Name) heard Tina yell. She watched as Newt ran over to him and examined the bite. She walked closer, examining Newt as well.

     Newt suddenly turns to stand, deciding it was, indeed, a Murtlap bite. Only to be in complete shock when comes face to face with (Name), their chests touching each other.

     (Name) immediately walked back, face flushed with red, as she noticed Newt's face to be slightly pink as well.

     Newt couldn't help but notice how cute she looked when she blushes. Tina cleared her throat, making Newt and (Name) to jolt up, and nod.

     "I'm taking you to my apartment to be monitored. I–"

    "A thank you would be wanted," (Name) whispered, referring back to when she saved Tina. "What?" She asked. (Name) looked up at her and smiled. She then quickly remembered why she was at New York.

     "Thank you, but I cannot stay. I have come to New York to investigate about the sudden attacks of beasts," She softly said.

"Great!" She cheered. (Name) looked at Tina with confusion. "What?" She asked. Tina cleared her throat. "You're investigating, right?" (Name) nodded. "Well," She said.

"If I help you, maybe MACUSA would take me back!" She continued. "So. . ?" (Name) looked at Tina once more. "I'll think about that," She whispers.

"Well then! Let's think at my apartment!" Tina cheered. (Name)'s eyes widened. "Us?" She mouthed, more to herself. Newt smiled at how adorable she looked.

     And so, the four of them disapparated on front of Tina's apartment.

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