Nightmare or Reality

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Mabel P.O.V

Looking out the window of our room, the sun was coming down 'If dipper didn't come back by now that must mean...It's working out great'. I bet their all lovely, that's amazing. I giggled as I texted candy back, along with the messages, she asked me how the date was going. We all wanted to spy on it, but I figured I did enough already. My fingers pressing over each letter then seeing ford burst through the door. "Hey-", I was about to speak as he glanced over at dipper's bed only one question was on his mind and I could tell it was about dipper. "relax Ford she went off on a date", his mouth dropped. I laughed "what a girl can't go out?"

"with who?", he asked a bit protective. I was a bit taken back, I guess because our father was never like that to dipper...but then again he wasn't really a father...

"Mabel?", he asked again. "Oh sorry she went out with Dylan", I said as I went back to my text.

"Mabel that's not even close to funny, what type of sick humor. Talking about someone who was murder today and bringing them up?!", He said extremely pissed. 

I looked up, what are you talking about, ...dead? , maybe your thinking about someone else gets... his full name is Dylan Sean. 

"Your being serious...right now?", he asked; lost at what I was saying. I look up and see his face and I start to get nervous. "what?". Before leaving he gave me a look saying to turn on the TV.

He left the room and yelled stan's name, I decide to check the news to see. The head captions "FOUND EARLY TODAY A TEENAGER NAMED DYLAN SEAN FOUND DEAD"

The descriptions explain that they didn't want to realize the photo's onto the internet for the fact that three reports threw up along with two passing out afterward. Also with a disclaimer for everyone to stay inside and not go anywhere near the woods. My hands were shaking as I kept scrolling down, saying ESTIMATED THAT HE DIED AROUND 10:00. I asked aloud "Who did we see at the park?... Oh my god dipper". I texted candy to look at the news and that if she saw dipper near her house to text me. Grabbing my coat to meet a shocked stan along with a pacing ford. Ready to head out he looked at me and started again "you're staying here just in case dipper comes back". I was about to retort when stan yelled: "Mabel your staying!". I and ford were both shocked, but I kept my mouth shut. "I'm sorry...look you need to stay here, were going out to look". The door slowly shut leaving me in the dim light with the Tv roaring disclaimers. I looked at the palm of my phone, 'Would this even do anything'. I looked at my contacts and texted dipper. Tears streaming down my face. 'What did I do, is this my fault?'


Dipper P.O.V

I and Dylan still chit chatted about simple things, although it was strange I couldn't get away from the fact that he brings up Bill so many times. I mean he is interesting...but not many people really care to hear about adventures...not even my parents. I laughed inside my head, slowly frowning at my own thoughts. I think Dylan got the vibe of my negative appearance. I don't know why , but to all the things I've thought he seemed to have the perfect response. Which is out of the ordinary. When he grabbed my hand, feeling the warmth of his palm made me feel slightly better. I guess he's not that bad of a guy. My eyes looked at the ground the whole time. I was too embarrassed to look up. I didn't keep track of where I was headed. Where was I going? 

And then he brings me here...

Flashback End//

I went over it human...???

I wanna throw up

"You did this...who?",  I started to walk over to the corpse wanting to check for a pulse which I knew wasn't there...but I just... my eyes was watering up from the smell, reaching out my hand to the body. Only to have it grabbed by the now transforming demon.  "He's dead, you can't do anything about it. Just look at it, I mean it was fun til he was talking and begging then it got boring".

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