'Love triangle'

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Bill P.O.V

I lifted pinetree up into my arms as I played with her hair, putting her down onto the bed, 'there we go', I look onto the triangle enchanted neckless. I grabbed it lightly with my fingers as I removed some of the resting dirt. "Nice and clean", I look at pine trees nice flowing hair. As I let my fingers intertwine with the locks of brown. I smirked as I pulled away grabbing the three books that layed on the sofa. "Alright off I go, thanks pinetree~",
As I was about to leave, I heard a vibrate as I looked over and saw a text, from shooting star. 'Let's see', as I read hey dipper so I got a date and Wendy is coming too
, so its gonna be us girls with some dudes. You wanna come with.
I looked over to the sleeping lady, I responded back for her yeah sounds great I'll be ready.
I was shooked on how fast her reply was as she said she would be there soon. I decide to leave it at that grabbing the journals and heading out. "Have fun pine tree", snapping my fingers I left.

-3 hours later-

Mabel P.O.V

As I ran up the stairs excite and shocked that dipper said 'yes'. I slammed the door open and saw dipper jolt out of the bed. "Dipper stop sleeping and let's go!!", I said egger to head out. "What?", I heard her ask sleepy. "You said you were coming with us to the date, now lets get
your head in gear and go! I can't believe your gonna wear that but alright", as I snached her hand and pulled her out of the house. "Mabel!", I felt her writs get sweaty. "Ewwwww dipper, look its okay you look good enough, that neckless makes you more girly". I smiled as I jumped into the van with Wendy heading off to meet with the guys. Pulling dipper in the back seat.

Dipper P.O.V

'When the hell did I say I want to do this', and I look like, crap. My mind feels so dizzy....what time is it?'
I looked over my phone seeing 12:00, 'huh did I pass out', as the bumpy rode started to make me wake up more by the second. "Hey dipper you look rather sleepy", "well I'm not going to be for long, so where are we exactly headed", I said confused. "Were gong on a triple date, I got some guys to come and we'll see if anyone is interesting to you". "What!", 'i would've definitely remember saying yes to this', I thought.
"Oh sorry dude I should've asked are you into girls cause-"
"Gezzzz no", I interrupted her, my face going poker. "Okay just checking since you know...", I heard her sentence twirl on. "Yeah I know I think that was just a phase, I'm sorry about that", "dude there no need to apologize I went through that too, but it didn't work out for me so then I tried Robbie and that didn't work out either. But I don't need a guy", I heard her say with confidence as she smiled back at me. I smiled back "yeah she told me all about these guys and girls that liked her, that's girl trouble", I heard mabel add to the conversation. "Yeah-", "were here!", I heard Wendy say with enthusiasm. 'Guessing she didn't like where that conversation was headed'.
As we opened the vans doors, I saw three guys one of them being Thomson, who went over and gave Wendy a high five. They were having chit chat. Two others coming our way. "Hey mabel", I notice his white hair any day. 'Gideon', going off and flirting with my sister. "Hey", I heard mabel say with nervousness, he started to go on a ramble of how he has changed. 'Great', as I looked over to see a guy approach me, "hi my names Dylan", handing his hand out to shack. "Dipper, nice to meet you", I gave a polite smile. As Gideon and mabel looked over to me shocked. I'm guessing for different reasons.

Gideon- "dipper is g-girl"
Mabel- "yeah, she is"
Gideon-"and she's talking to a guy"
Mabel-" I know I'm so proud"
Gideon- *mouth wide open like he has just witnessed another apocalypse*
Mabel-"I'm so happy" *starting to fangirl*

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