"Nice to meet you, Dylan right?"

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Mabel P.O.V

'WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WE GOT YOU A DATE TODAY DIPPER AREN'T YOU EXCITED!!!!!!!", I glided around the room with twirls and glitter as my twin sister started to grumble up. "COME ON DIPPY", i heard a finial groan as she stood up, her long locks curled and tangled around her. "Im up. Im up." i heard her as she sat up looking at my finial twirl and jump into the air. "We got to get you ready its already 9 and you have to leave at 12!", i said with a smile. Showing off all my makeup along my fingers. "You ready!", i was estaictic to start. Looking at my sister, her one eye brow raised with a face of disgust. "Im not putting that stuff on", reaching for her bathrobe  she headed into the shower. "Fine dipper but im picking out your outfit~", She gave me one last glance and said 'fine, just not flashy'. With that she went into the bathroom.I quietly mumbled "someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning", running over to her dresser. Scanning my eyes for a nice summer day look, "hmmm i grabbed a nice pair of shorts, along with a signature jacket. This one a nice grey and dark green jacket. That i got for her birthday, which she never got to wear. Probably she wouldn't want to get it dirty. I went back to my pile of silly shirts finding one that us gals bought yesterday at the mall. I reached over at the end of the pile to find it buried. "Here we are!", i smiled as i set the outfit on dippers bed. The simple word on the shirt read: 'NO.'

I laughed a bit, it matched her so well it was to funny. I waited for my sister to come out of the shower. Hearing the door click I bounced, as I sang "TAAAADAAAA", she looked down seeing the outfit. "I don't think I own this shirt?", she looked down at the rest of the attire. Seemingly pleased enough, "Sure. sure its for you from the girls as an apology", I smiled. Dipper looked back at me with a smile. "Alright ill get changed in it", she grabbed it and started to walk to the bathroom most likely to dry her hair as well. She mumbled out thanks and went back in once again. "No problem", I skipped downstairs making us a snack before heading out. Giving Stan some details about today as well. I didn't want him to worry about her being gone.

Dylan P.O.V

I woke up to find it was already almost 10. I walked over seeing that my alarm didn't go off, "Stupid piece of junk". Turning my hand into a fist, and banging on it a couple times. I got up stretching and still yawning. About to hit the light switch when I heard a sudden laughter, I stuttered out "W-who t-h-there?", I was shocked I remember locking the door before I went to sleep. "ITS YOUR NIGHTMARE KID", all I could see was a flash of blue flame erupt from his hand. Bringing it closer to his face. His look was sinister, a lust for blood, or death in the back of the corner. The darkness over lapping him "I warned you not to go near her~ and here you are worried about your 'date'", he started walking closer to me. If I wasn't paralyzed in fear I'd beat him to a pulp. "Look I won't go out with her okay, if you just don't kill me ill leave her alone.", I Spoke out to the darkness. That blaring blue light still feeling as if my eyes were burning. "Hmmm, I haven't killed anyone in awhile so I feel the need to release my erged. Besides, you got me angrier than any mortal has. This anger I'm not very fond off."

"Please don't kill me, what do you want money. My dad is rich he can pay you off. Ill even l-leave gravity falls!!",  I looked over to the right still seeing the door. I wasn't sure if it was still locked...'most likely'. 

The man came closer sezzing with anger. "Did you know the best torture anyone could ever receive is having their eyes stitched open and looking directly at the sun's heat. Interesting isn't it, or even impalement. I used to sit down with those guys and enjoy a meal while watching them suffer for three days straight".

"What the hell, your a demon... Leave me alone you Insane devil!", I ran for the door unknowingly the blue flame that was at once there disappeared. With that a loud thud, the sun was above me with a sharp thick pole below my body. I could feel the sudden sharpness of it as I lost feeling and started to weigh down onto it. I screamed and yelled at the top of my lungs. Coughing roughly, my eyes unable to blink as they stared at the sun. "You can scream but no one is gonna hear you. I cant wait to show pine tree this, ITS AMAZING! Oh if only she could enjoy the show". I saw the figure still above-looking closer his eyes were beamed red. Drinking a some sort of red liquid. "Oh I'm sorry I'm getting in the way of your view, please the sun is a beautiful sight keep staring". His laughter continued as I was being held above a poll and towards the sun. "I got two hours so you can take your time if it gets too boring ill just kill you off. Besides I highly doubt with your environment you'll last two more days. I'll give you a little history lesson because in such a nice guy", he snickered to himself.  I kept on coughing unable to feel my limbs I started to sink down onto the blade. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!", I screamed reaching back up. 'OH god please help me', tears were running down my face now the pain smearing in my bones and muscles, it was unbearable. "OH Stop your crying you little wuss", I heard in the background. I don't know who this man even is but right now I'm thinking he's worse than lucifer himself. 

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