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I'm Updating :D

Dipper P.O.V

My eyes fluttered as I felt my hands under the soft blanket, looking over to see it was a couch with golden bars at the side. I lifted up, my hat falling off of me showing my hair once again 'so irritating', but then a shock wave went through my head as I looked around the room. 'where am, I, its so..... fancy here...what happened?', trying to remember but my mind went blank. I decided to look around the room to find some clues, but then a young male blonde appeared and walked into the room. I heard his laugher start to echo in the cylinder shaped home. 'what a attractive guy'. I closely looked at him more aware of the circumstance "ummm sir could you please tell me where I am, I don't recall coming to someone's house", I laughed nervously.

Bill P.O.V

I stopped walking once I heard the word sir come out of her mouth as she was fetching her hat. 'and....wait....*click*...ohhhhhhh I see the reverse affect of ford taking all the energy out of my pendent, made it take all the energy from her mind as a recharge. so right now she doesn't know who I am...', I chuckled a bit into my shoulder as she gave me a bewildered stare."Pinetree how could you forget-", she interrupted me asking, "Who's Pinetree?" I gave a breath as I stated "you, dipper I call you that its my cute little nickname for you", "oh I see and why did you chose that?", "well that's beside the point, hmmm you fell on your head walking down the stairs but you probably think im a stranger so let me explain im your boyfriend", I raised my hands proudly for coming up with that, 'this is going to be fun'. I heard her thought as she looked to where I pointed to the stairs ' I don't remember seeing that there'. " Do you remember anything that happened?" ,walking over seating next to her on the couch. "well no not really, I really am a klutz aren't , if I fall down some stairs", she lightly laughed. "well umm your my boyfriend...I guess that makes since, you are... attractive" 'probably smart to...' as she moved her finger to her chin trying to remember. 'Im attractive and smart huh~', "well thanks pinetree", I gave a wicked smile as she gave a sincere one. "so ummm...", she patted her knees as she stood upwards "I better go to a doctor they might be able to fix this problem", before she stood up I grabbed her by her palm and pulled her back landing her on my lap. "Oh come on dipper~", I saw a tint of bush spread across her cheek. My smile only spreading "ummm a-a-", "oh that's right I forgot you probably don't remember my name huh", she nodded her head looking away from me as her feet shook back and forth. 'Cute...wait did I just think that! no this is only for fun and most importantly--' she started looking at me, as I must have drifted off to long. "well its bill". I wanted to see if that would jog a memory but to my surprise it didn't just a little daijavu. (I think that's how its spelled) ...hmm what to tease her with. "umm we probably do this a lot if were boyfriend and girlfriend, but I really don't remember doing anything like this bill so if you could...", my eyes widened as she spook her words. I cooed into her ear "hmm that's true well I think we should do something that we always do, and infact I think it'll bring your memories back". "really that's great what would that be-" i didn't allow her to finished her sentence as i pulled her down her hair covering her eyes. I laughed inside a bit before using my hand to move the strings of hair from her face, as i moved closer towards her lips. Her entire face was a blushing mess but what i didn't expect was her thoughts, that were running through her head 'is this happing, im goanna kiss him, what should i do, he is my boyfriend right?, his lips look so soft though, maybe i should' closing her eyes. I grinned as i put my hand at her side moving closer to her lips. We both connected, and both are eyes were closed. 'I'll give her some of my energy through this', as I leaned away and smiled. I saw her blink a few times as her hands were moving away from my chest and briskally waving her arms. As her eyes widened.

Dipper P.O.V

My head felt as if was shot with pulses making me remember everything and even worse know everything and what i-i just did!
No what he just did, he tricked me. How the hell did I get an idea of him being my boyfriend, or even a friend for the matter. I pushed him off quickly as my face was heated full of embarrassment. I used my shirt to wipe off the k-k-kiss. "What kinda sick joke was that I can't believe you-"
"It was your own fault pine tree", seeing his evil grin not move away from his face made me even more adjetated.
"I can't believe I just-"
"Kissed me, and called me attractive, smart ,and sat on my lap", I started to straighten up with nervousness as he was listing the things that occurred.
"You know if you want pine tree I could be your boyfriend, if you make a deal~"
"Why would I need a boyfriend, and why would I ever want you to be him"
'I can't believe I lost my subcousious like that', I need to straighten up and find away out of here.

"Stop trying pinetree, cause i brang you for a reason now let's have a little talk shall we pinetree~"


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