Q and A

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So literally I always wanted to do this, and well this is one of my favorite billdip so I'm gonna do it with this one. A *drum roll* Q AND A YAY!!!

Also, this video *hearts* it is so cute and amazing, like thank you soooooo much panda crew. I'm so glad you like this book and shared it on the video. So you guys please check it out, it's very fluffy. It might be short, but it has a long meaning *wink*. But anyway I just wanted to say thanks. (if only I could use emojis on here)

Anyway back to Q and A, here is what it's about if you are a first timer. You ask a question in the comments and I answer of course it won't be direct it will be with another update. So I can answer a multiple of questions, that you guys have to ask. 

I'll give an example like (this is a made up user)

FluffyNuggets asks in the comments : "why are you so bad at grammar and spelling"

and so on...hopefully I get more than one, and not that type of question.


whats my fav. color, or career idea I want to be in, etc.

Anyway, i know you guys might not care about this stuff, but if you have an interesting question that you wonder about me or even this book. Just ask away~

If you are still lost about what a Q and A is just let me know and ill try to explain it to you.

Thank you guys (also I will hopefully be updating soon with a chapter)


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