'can't sleep'

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I'm so happy you guys like this story, its pretty fun to write. Let me know what you think of this chapter, and thanks for the support.

Dipper P.O.V

I grabbed my pillow ruffly as I tried to get some sleep. Everything swrilling in my head 'stupid demon'. I covered my ears as my eyes shut tight. "Bill!", I screamed in my head hoping he would hear. 'What pine tree?'
I heard in response back, I opened my eyes and saw him in front of me, Im pretty sure I was in the mindscape based on how clear the area was. "What's your goal, why do you wanna make this deal, its killing me I want to know", I sat up straight towards him. He started to laugh "its killing you that's great!", I heard his laughter rig through.
"So nothing else is bothering you, like how I squizzed your-"
"Shut it bill, I just want info!"
"Why would I give you answers, just because your a girl doesn't mean you get special privileges~"
My face started to heat up "I'm not asking for privileges cipher, I'm doing this because I don't want you to harm Mabel or anyone else and I get the feeling your really wanting some blood on those hands"
"I want blood on my hands? What do you know of what I want pinetree~, you don't even know my plan. And here you are calling me in your mind scape"
"I-i-", my hands started to sweat as my body started to tremble. His voice sounded demonic
"You know I'm never mock, especial by a girl"
"Hey girls are way better than Guys and I'm way better than you. You know what I don't need your info I can figure it out myself"
"Really~ now that's interesting pine tree, so your gonna figure out what I want", I felt his breath hitch onto my ear as I back away slightly.
"Y-yeah", I use my hand to cover my right ear. "I'm smart you know, I'm dipper pines!", i smiled to myself as my confidence started to stream out of me.
"Of course you will, you know if you make the deal with me you could make it a lot easier on yourself. After all your saying I want blood on my hands. Who knows what I'm going to do". His laugh echoing through the plain mindscape. His body dissapearing into particles of dust as I awoke to see the moonlight still shinning.
"Ugh its only 5pm, Mabel isn't even here yet", I smaked my head onto the pillow as I looked over to the journals 'yeah right as if I would destroy these books'
I stood up as my fist clenched tightly "gonna figure out bills plan mystery tw-"
I looked to see Mabel still not there "right I forgot haha"
I got onto my feet and pulled out my skinny jeans with a blue tank top, I grabbed my hat as I raced quietly down the stairs.
"I'll be sure to be back soon"
I whisper before closing the door. "Ah fresh air", feeling the summer air hit my skin. I walked into the forest my fingers hitting the barks of the wood. I went right then left , as I searched for the place all the mysterys began. 'The third journals hiding place'
I moved away a pricked bush 'ouh' , I looked over seeing the thorn in my thumb. I licked it out as I sucked on it, making the blood stop. "There", as I moved across the bush feeling the metal plate over the tree. I switch all three outlits as I saw the leaves scatter and the ground become open with a small whole in the ground where the journal used to be. "Now let's see what else could be in here", I grabbed the remaining leaves out as I searched around the whole for anything new. 'I should've brang a flash light' I felt a soild metal from below the dirt. 'Neat found something', my grin spread as I lifted the metal plate. Feeling the dirt move over to the sides. As my clothing got dirty, this is heavy, my hands slipping and lossing my grip *smake* the metal plate hitting the ground. "dang it, sometimes I really wonder where my strength goes". I looked around finding a twige or stick to help me life. "Yes", I ran over seeing a dark rough branch as I stuck it into the ground lifting up the metal plate and holding it up. "I got it", as I reached in and found the item. 'Its so dirty, I'll have to clean it up'. I looked over seeing that my bleeding thumb got blood onto the what looked like could be a neckless. 'Shoot, I better take care of this or it'll be infected'. I ran back to the mystery shack following the signs . I reached the door before sun rise throwing my shoes off and racing up the staries. I looked around for a bandaid, as I washed off my thumb and covered it. "Now", I grabbed the item from my pocket 'I guess the blood got slicked into the dirt. I washed the now appearing golden neckless. 'This is so hard to get off', I grabbed a bottle of soup as I washed it all over. "Ta-da". I raised it up letting the morning sunlight shimmer onto the golden triangle neckless. "This reminds me of ...bill"
'Maybe its a way to defeat him?, maybe he tricked me?, what if it is some controlling device?'. My mind was racing with conflict ,but then I remember it was with the journal it has to be fine. I pulled the lose string over my head. Moving my hair out of the wag, as I looked into the mirror and saw it sparkle with my hazel eyes. 'I look more like a girl each day', I took a sigh as I jumped into the shower and pulling a new pair of clothing on.

Bill P.O.V

"Hahahahahahahahahaha", I couldn't control my laughter. My
eye started to stream out body fluid as I tried to calm myself down. "This is just great", I can't believe it. I thought I would have to get some blood on it myself, but she did it for me". "Oh man, mortals and there weak bodies", I flew towards the roof of the mystery shack. As I snapped my fingers, with a sly grin plasted on my face. 'Who knew it would be this easy', I heard the sink still running as I opened the fascinating window. I looked over to see pine tree fast asleep with the neckless I created around her neck. Looking over and finding the journals on the sofa. I started to chuckle, "pine tree you shouldn't let emotions get the hang of you like that, especial since you only had five hours of sleep. No one has common sense then".

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