"Well that was Interesting..."

Start from the beginning

I turned back to the other three boys in front of me. "Sorry you had to see that." I laughed. "Would you guys mind telling me who Damon is? I keep hearing his name but I have no face to put to it." They didn't speak and they kept stealing glances at each other. Matt was about to speak but a voice beat him to it.

            "I'm Damon." A husky voice spoke. I turned around and squinted-the sun was blocking any good view of him. When I could finally make out his face I'm pretty sure I died. My eyes widened slightly and I raised both my eyebrows. God this boy was gorgeous! This is Damon!? I sure wish I knew him growing up... "And you...are Jamie." He smirked. I couldn't find words so I just nodded. I mentally slapped myself for acted so stupid. Luckily Stephen spoke before I could make a fool anymore out of myself.

            "What are you doing here?" Stephen tried to whisper. But I heard him. I examined him while he spoke. He had these grey-blue eyes that stood out on his face. His hair just made me want to run my hands through them! And his body! Help me...  

  I could clearly see a faded bruise below his eyes,  but it wasn't my place to question.

            "Well, you talk so much about this famous Jamie, and I knew you guys would be here so I thought maybe I should properly introduce myself." He said never breaking eye contact. My heart pounded in my chest-it felt like I was about to pass out.

            "I thought you didn't want to come." Matt mumbled.

            "I changed my mind." He shrugged. I shot him a small smile and we all fell into an uncomfortable silence. If I thought the staring was bad before-now everyone was looking. They were all whispering and looked scared. It's probably because of Damon. Who are these boys and why do they attract all this attention?

            "I'm going to get something to eat. I'll get you a plate." Rick stood up and awkwardly smiled. I nodded and suddenly felt thirsty. Before he could walk away I grabbed his arm.

            "Oh! And I want-," before I could finish he smiled and spoke.

            "Sprite. I know Jamie. It's barely been a month since you left. You haven't changed much." I smirked at the comment and let go of his arm. He walked away and I turned to the now four guys. Damon was watching me curiously. His eyes scanned my face. I feel very uncomfortable but I wouldn't dare say anything.

            "So, why doesn't Trevor like you guys?" I asked with a real interest.

            "Why don't you like Trevor?" Stephen crossed his arms and smirked. I rolled my eyes and shrugged. I will not tell them my pity story so they can sympathize me.

            "We just don't get along. There's history." I shrugged.

            "I hardly believe that." He chuckled.

Now it's almost eight and the fireworks are about to start. I've spent the whole barbecue with the guys and they are really cool. Even Sanders eased up a little. By little I mean he actually talked...if you count one comment. I was even shocked they brought their own beers and stuff. I kindly declined not wanting to get drunk in front of all these people. I didn't expect these guys to be so nice, especially the way everyone is telling me to stay away.

            "What's the craziest thing you guys have ever done?" I asked. So far we have all been telling stories about each other.

            "Well, we have done a lot of crazy things. Can't really choose." Stephen laughed. I shrugged my shoulders at the reasonable answer. "What about you?" I looked at Rick and we both started cracking up with laughter.

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