"Well that was Interesting..."

Start from the beginning

"Priceless!" I heard laughter coming from Rick and Stephen-even Matt cracked a smile. Stephen put an arm around my shoulder and sighed. "This is why you are so awesome." He sang. I laughed at his attempt and couldn't stop laughing. Next thing I know I feel someone yank me forward. Stephen's arm fell to his side and his face turned hard.

I looked up to see Trevor fuming with anger. I ripped my arm out of his hold and took a few steps back until I ended up standing next to Rick.

"What the hell Trevor? What's your problem?" I said trying to keep my voice steady. I don't want to attract attention.

"My problem? He just had his arm around you!" He snapped.

"Well friends can do that. You wouldn't know the privilege! What is wrong with you?"

He completely ignored me and walked up to Stephen. Matt and Sanders immediately reacted and took two steps forward until they were right beside Stephen.

            "What type of game are you playing? Why are you talking to her?" He spat.

            "Why can't he talk to me?" I was growing angry.

            "I'm not playing any games. Jamie and I have been friends for some time now. Is that a problem for you?" I could hear the sarcasm in Stephen's voice.  

            "Did Damon put you up to this?" Trevor laughed darkly.

            "Damon? Who the hell is that?" I hated being left in the dark. It made me feel so lost, and out of place.

            "Damon hasn't even met her yet." Stephen shrugged. "Just relax man!" He laughed. This made Trevor even angrier. He gripped my arm and tugged me.

            "Ouch Trevor! Let me go that hurts!" I tried to pull back but he had a tight grip. I would definitely have a bruise by tomorrow. It was really starting to hurt and he wouldn't let go. Rick saw that I was struggling and instantly got to his feet.

            "Yo! Trevor ease up man. Let her go." Rick grabbed his hand and tried to take it off. He struggled at first but he finally got him to let me go. He stepped in front of me blocking me from his view. "Don't ever put your hands on her again." I rarely saw this side of Rick. His serious side.

            "Just leave me alone." I sighed and rubbed my aching wrists. Trevor's eyes softened once he saw that he hurt me.

            "Jamie I'm sorry." Trevor took a step towards me but I stopped him from coming closer.

            "Please just go with your friends and get laid if you can even do that." I pursed my lips and looked away from him. I guess he was angry from what I said because his glare returned.

            "You know what? Do whatever you want. Don't start crying when you realize you made the mistake. They only want to sleep with you." His words stung but I didn't show it.

            "And what do you want from me Trevor?" He didn't do as well as me when it came to covering my emotions. His face had shocked written all over it. He didn't expect me to ask him that. After the shock went away his face went blank. He studied my face for a minute and then angrily stomped away. I let out a sigh of relief and walked back to my seat. I slumped in my seat and grabbed Rick's hand to pull him back to his seat.

            "Well that was interesting." Rick said hesitantly. And with that comment all the tension was gone. My smile turned into a full on laugh. My laugh was always contagious around Rick so once I started so did he.

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