When they see your bare face for the first time

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Jhope noticed when you came out of the house in a hurry one morning. He was dropping you off at work as he often did some days, and it seemed like you'd slept in. Though, he admired the way your skin naturally glowed. "Wah! Jagiya you look so beautiful!" he'd giggle, not able to keep his eyes off you.


Jin was tired from practise but needed to get rid of the sweat off his face before the oil made his skin break out. You'd agreed to put on his t-zone face mask, but he wanted to put one on you too. You were hesitant, but went off to the bathroom to wipe off your makeup, and when you came back he was in complete awe. "Sorry for staring but... Wow!" you blushed slightly under his gaze.


Tae often slept over at your place, but he usually slept in longer than you and so you had time to put on a bit of mascara and powder to cover up your spots. However on this one particular morning, his deep brown eyes were already gazing over your sleepy face before you woke up. "No, don't hide under the covers, I was enjoying the view" he'd tease, peppering your face with kisses.


It was your first time having a sleepover with him, you were excited of course but a little nervous since you'd have to wash your face off before bed. He was sitting happily under the covers wearing just boxers and a shirt, flicking through Netflix when you entered. At first he simply didn't notice, you looked the same to him, but as you began to get a little tense he asked what was wrong. "You don't have to pretend like I look the same..." "But... You really do! You seriously look so naturally gorgeous!".


"Come on Jagi! The time is already running out!" Jimin whined, he'd taken you to go swimming to the local pool where you'd have about an hour to swim. You liked the idea of it, but you'd need to wipe off your makeup beforehand or you'd end up with mascara running down your face. Jimin looked shyly at you once you came out of the changing room, not only were you in an adorable swimsuit, but he finally got to see your bare face. "You're so pretty my baby...".


"Quick baby we have to go" he said with slight impatience, he was needed for a meeting with the guys and you wanted to go as well so you could watch their practise and help out where needed (ie to get food and stuff). "Sorry, I just wanted to look nice" you said slightly annoyed, coming out of the bathroom whilst wiping your face, you wouldn't have enough time to finish the makeup you started doing. "But you already look stunning" he stopped you, looking deep into your eyes before crashing his lips on yours. "Come on we'll be late Namjoon" you teased as his needy hands began wandering. "You can't tease me like that with your beautiful face!".


Yoongi never liked to show it, but sometimes he did have acne breakouts like everyone else and it made him extremely self conscious. For the last couple of days he kept coming home to your shared apartment with mouth masks on. You felt awful since he didn't want you to see him like this, so you agreed to show him your bare face if he took off his mask. You came out from the bathroom, bracing yourself for his comments as you took a seat by him on the bed. However, you could see his smile even with his mask on. He slowly took it off, to which you cupped his cheeks and kissed his lips. "You look gorgeous baby... thank you" he grinned, "And you're still my handsome boy, stop worrying so much".

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