Chapter Eighteen: Another Attack

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OMG 2K READS HOLY HELL!!!! I know I know the last kinda sucked. I really couldn't think of anything so yeah. Hope y'all like this chapter.

I woke up on Mark's bare chest. I could barely remember what happened last night. I saw Mark eyes flutter open.
"Morning sleepy head." I said and snuggled closer.
"Morning lovely." He yawned.
I lightly kissed him and got up. I threw on some of Mark's clothes. I heard Mark chuckle.
"What are you laughing at?" I asked.
"You. You look adorable." Mark said.
I threw some clothes at him and went out of the room. No one was awake, so I went downstairs and made some breakfast. I felt warm arms wrap around my waist.
"What cha cooking?" Mark whispered in my ear.
"Something for you to eat for breakfast." I said.
He chuckled. That laugh always made me love him more. I flipped a pancake and heard Anti and Dark come in the kitchen.

{TIME SKIP brought to you by Sean's pancake}

"Buh-Bye." I said into my camera.
It's been awhile sense I put up a video, so I made a video explaining the absence. I told them that Sean came over and had to go to the hospital. I didn't tell them about the other reasons though.
I went out of my recording room and saw Dark and Anti talking to Wilford and Sean. While Arizona played Super Mario Maker. Arizona was growing up fast. Dark said that demons aged faster until eighteen then they age a little slower. Arizona was already ten. Yet her personality changed a little.
She was still a bubbly little girl, but now turning into a gamer. (*sniffs* the gamers grow up fast *wipes away a tear*)
"GOD DAMN IT!" She yelled.
We all looked at her in shock.(Aw her first cuss word.)
"What the stupid gomba came outta no where." She said.
Dark and Anti started laughing. Then me, Sean, and Wilford.
"I think she's getting her rage from Mark." Anti said.
"Oh God." I said.
"Mark next time you play I Am Bread, close the damn door." Dark said.
"Ok, ok." I said and sat beside Sean.
"Like I was saying, Mark and Sean needs to be protected at all times. Just in case another attack comes up." Wilford said.
"What do you mean another attack?" I asked.
"Uh.... Damn it Wilford." Dark said.
"They were gonna find out one way or another." Wilford said.
"Ok Mark so yesterday we may or might not have been attacked again." Anti said, "This time it was more."

(The night before.)
     As me and Dark walked down the path way of the park, two men stopped us. While another stood in the middle.
"So showed your face again, aye Anti?" The one in the middle asked.
"What's it to you Griffin?" I snapped.
"Don't talk back ya prick." Griffin snapped back.
He snapped his fingers and the other two demons lunged at us. One had me in a headlock while the other was punching Dark. I quickly grabbed the one attacking me and slung it over me and snapped the other's neck. Dark grabbed the one that attacked me and threw him in the air and shot him with a pistol.
     Griffin turned and tried to run, but Dark shot him in the head.
"Are you ok Anti?" He said turning to me.
"Yeah I'm fine. What 'bout you?" I asked.
"I'm fine it's you I'm worried about."
     We walked home and found Wilford on the couch and Arizona asleep on the Wilford. Dark and I chuckled at the sight. I put a blanket over them and went to my room.
     I went under my covers and felt Dark lay beside me. I cuddled close to him and fell asleep.

Ok so yeah the last chapter did suck I'm sorry. Don't forget the Q&A. ASK ME ANYTHING! ANYTHING YOU ASK I'LL ANSWER. And for 2K reads I'm doing a face reveal.
THE SEQUEL OF The Demon Souls IS ALMOST HERE I'M STILL THINKING. If y'all want to check that out just go on my account and you'll find it.

Remember you can do anything Mark and Jack believe in you. I can't do a damn thing.

Also I just wanna say, people are telling me that Mark, Sean, or Felix will never care or be there for me

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Also I just wanna say, people are telling me that Mark, Sean, or Felix will never care or be there for me. If people are saying that to you tell them thy do more for you than anyone ever did.
That They are my heroes and I could give two shits what you think.

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