Chapter Fifteen: Hide Away

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Guys don't joke around me! 1K READS OMG!!!!

I looked at Mark. Of course he looked at me with his caring, chocolate eyes. I couldn't help but love him every time I look at him, he already knew I loved him, just not like this. I knew he loved me, but..... I don't know if he loves me the same I love him.
Wilford came over to me and looked down at me, causing me to shrink back.
Shite! I thought I forgot demons could read my mind.
"Don't swear!" Wilford said.
"S-Sorry." I said.
I looked at Mark who had a eyebrow up, confused. (As always.) The doctor came in and told me I could go home tonight.

{TIME SKIP not as long though}

As I waited for Mark to pull up with the car, I was left with Arizona. Anti, Dark, and Wilford already teleported to the house.
Lucky bastards. I thought to myself.
My thoughts were interrupted by a small grabbing mine. I looked down and saw Arizona holding my hand. Her eyes changed colors when she changes mood, right now they were light purple, almost like lavender.
"Do you think my father hated me?" She asked looking up at me.
"Uh... well... I don't know how to answer that to be honest, but guess what?" I said.
"What?" She questioned.
"I know Dark, Mark, and Wilford care for you very much." I said.
I patted her small head and she giggled.
"Thanks Uncle Sean!" She said.
Just then, Mark pulled up with the car and it started to rain. (Don't you just hate getting out of some where and it's raining?)
"Get it before you fucking soaked!" Mark said.
We ran to the car, we only got minorly soaked. I guess Arizona was used to Mark and Dark cussing. I hope she was at least.

{TIME SKIP brought to you by 1K READS DAMN IT}

  As soon as Mark, Sean, and Arizona came into the doorway, I teleported behind Mark. Mark played lots of Five Nights at Freddy's so he's used to jumpscares.
"BOO!" I yelled.
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" He yelled and jumped four inches off the ground.
  I immediately fell to the floor laughing my ass off.
"DON'T SWEAR WE HAVE A CHILD HERE!" I heard Wilford yell from the kitchen.
"Oh my God that was funny." I said wiping a tear from my eye.
"Ok...ok you got me. Where's Dark at?" Mark asked.
"He went to the store to grab some groceries." I said.
  I got up from the floor. Hopefully Dark was getting pain killers. Especially since Sean has all this shit on him. I told him to work out more.
"Hey Uncle Anti." Arizona said.
"Yes laddie?" I said.
  She giggled and ran to the living room, I followed.
"Sit." She commanded.
  I put my hands up and sat next to here. Damn she was acted like Dark sometimes. She sat on the couch and felt her start playing with my hair.
After probably a minute, she sprang to her feet.
"DONE!" She said and held in front of me.
  My hair was spiked up (Think about CartoonJunkie's Anti) and had a black skeleton hand on it.
I chuckled, "Wanna show the others?"
"YEAH!" She said.
We crept up to the entrance of the kitchen. I heard them talking. I put my hand up signaling Arizona to stay.
"Are you sure?" I heard Mark say.
"Yes Sean here needs to be protected we gotta go hide out somewhere." Wilford said.
"But where?" Sean said.
"I don't know." Wilford said.
  They all went quiet and I walked in along with Arizona.
  They all jumped at my voice and looked up at me. Then, died from laughter.
"W-What the hell Anti?" Mark said.
"D-Don't swear....AH FORGET IT!" Wilford said.
"I didn't do it Arizona did it." I chuckled.
"Do ya like it?" Arizona giggled.
"Yes sweetie. I love it." I said.

We all got done laughing at Anti. We all started talking again.
"Hey Mark you know how I said I was a ghost in your mind." I said.
"Yeah why?" Mark asked.
"Well thing is I'm not....really." I said.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"I mean....I uh..... I'm half angel, half demon." I said.

OMG GUYS 1K READS. I love this I thought I'd never get this many thank you so much!
I hope y'all like this chapter. Don't forget the Q&A I'm doing if ya wanna know more bout me jus send me a message on my account or write a comment your choice.
But thank you so much for 1k.

Remember Mark and Jack believe in you. So do I but can't do anything.

 So do I but can't do anything

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