Chapter Fourteen: Hospitalized

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So my friend sent that. It's so me IRL. Oh My God!

  Mark ran to Sean tears in his eyes. Sean looked at me and I felt fear go through him.
"WHAT'S HE DOING HERE?!" Sean yelled.
"No, no. Sean it's ok. He's not gonna do anything, I promise." Mark said.
  Sean nodded and looked down at Arizona. He smiled and whispered in Mark's ear.
I chuckled, "Oh... what was that?"
"Uh... nothing." Sean said.
"He said you looked like a dad to him." Mark said.
  I laughed, I had to admit I was like a dad to Arizona. Ever since I killed her dad, I've been her father like demon, I didn't want her getting hurt again. Her father did enough damage.
So Darki I see you're a growing father to Ari here. Aye? I heard Wilford say in my head.
I never told Mark that Wilford Warfstache could talk through our thoughts as well. Wilford said that he can't talk to him yet. He didn't mention why though. He could also come out and see us, but he didn't. He wanted to wait I guess.
Have you seen what the dad did to her. I mean fucking hell he threw her through a damn window, Wil. I said back.
DON'T SWEAR DANG IT! Also we both know I would do the same thing to the child.
For one how you gonna do that. You wanna wait don't cha. Two yeah you're right.
I sighed and ran my hand through Arizona, who was now asleep. She was really peaceful, her small chest moved up and down as she breathed.
I wish she was my daughter.
(AWWWW. Dark has changed.)
Awwww. Now that's adorable.
I smacked the side of my head. I looked up and saw Sean and Mark asleep.
Wilford appeared next to them and smiled, "Markimoo and Jackaboy everyone knew the ship would sail one day."
He put a blanket over them and me.
"Get some sleep, Darki." He said.
"Alright." I yawned.
I lied my head on the wall and sleep came through my body.

{SLEEPY TIME SKIP brought to you by Dadiplier}

"God I long was I out." I said.
No answer, I looked up and saw everyone asleep. I saw Dark asleep with that Arizona girl Sean thought of. I chuckled at the sight. An eight year old half demon (Remember demons can read other demons' minds. That's how Anti knew) asleep in a deadly, twenty-seven year old, maybe older, demon.
Dark said he was different, but not this different. Last time he was with me,he tortured Sean. Now he was protecting him. I don't blame him.
He stirred and made me jump, but Mark woke up. He yawned and looked at me.
"Hey Anti." He said.
"Hi Mark." I said.
There was an awkward silence between us until I spoke, "Uh... Sean will be waking in"
I pointed at my sleeping brother, who was now awake. His hair stuck up everywhere. He had a small bandage on his head as gauges wrapped around his wrist. The doctor said it was fractured, but he'll be fine in a couple of weeks.
"How long have you been there Anti." Sean said.
"Uh.... like ten minutes." I said, "How's your arm Brother."
"Hurts like a motherfooker." He said.
"I bet." Mark said.
After fifteen minutes, Dark woke up along with Arizona.

Today's the day.
I was shocked. After four years he finally decides to come out. I smirked.
Go ahead.

I appeared in front of Dark, everyone looked at me in awe. My pink hair was in front of my violet eyes. I had on khakis, beige shirt, and my favorite bow tie.
"You you doing Marki." I said, "Good to see ya again."
"W-Wilford. What? Wait I'm not mad though?" Mark stammered.
"Well you see I didn't tell you the whole truth. I was always with you, I was waiting until you knew how to control Dark here because I'm sure you be able to handle both me and him." I said.
I was glad to be out. Not only now Mark can talk and he can see me, I could tell him the truth.

And nothing, but the truth and what Mark didn't know what I really was.

So that was that. Wonder what Wilford was hiding inside of him and what he is. I MEAN IS HE A DEMON, IS HE A GHOST, IS HE ANGEL WHO KNOWS.
Well don't forget the Q&A. You can still ask me in the comments. Any question at all is necessary. Maybe even a face reveal. Don't know yet.

We'll always remember that Mark and Jack believe in y'all. I do too I just can't do shit.

 I do too I just can't do shit

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