Chapter 22 - Embrace The Gay.

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I turned around and there was Renee. I ran up and hugged her. "Hey!" I said. 

"Hey, I missed you. It's only been a day but it felt longer." She admitted. 

"I feel you. Oh my god! You'll never believe what happened to Kent Blackhill!" I exclaimed. Kent was my ex-boyfriend from high school. 

"He married  Maddie Jades." I added. 

"What?!" She exclaimed. Maddie Jades was the high school mean girl.

 "No, seriously! I mean, we all used to hate her in high school, I mean, I guess not all of us." I said. 

"I'm starving though, wanna go get some lunch?" I asked. She nodded.

I walked into the cafeteria and saw my old friends sitting. I snuck up and sat down next to Nicky. "Hey!" She exclaimed. 

"Hey!" "How was furlough?" She asked. I could hear the enthusiasm in her voice.

 "Amazing. I mean except for the whole, my aunt died thing." I said with a sad face. 

"Yeah, that blows." She said. I gave Nicky a very spontaneous hug and when I did I heard her say "Oh!" before wrapping her arms around me. 

"I know it was only a day, but I don't know, I missed you." I said with a smile. 

"I missed you too, Ace." She said. I took a few bites of my sandwich and looked at the rest of the group. 

"Hey, Lorna. How are things?" I asked. "I still think Vinnie is cheating on me with my bitch of a sister." She said. 

"Oh no! What happened now?" I asked. Nicky laughed. I knew Nicky didn't care and I felt bad for Morello. I think half the reason she went as crazy as she did with Chris is because no one took her worries seriously, or listened. Sure, they were never really together but once things started coming undone someone should have listened to her feelings. 

"Well, I don't know. Nothing new. I'm convinced though. He still hasn't come to visit me." She said.

 "That really sucks, it feels really trapped in here because it is, but there are plenty of other reasons he could not be visiting." I said. 

"Like what?" She asked. I stopped to think.

. "Well, who knows? He could be having car trouble, he could be caught up at work, loads of things." I explained. "You're a sweet girl, Lorna. I'm sure everything is fine." I added. She nodded and smiled to herself. Lunch was soon over and I went back to my bunk. 

Nicky followed. "What's up?" I asked, referring to her leech-like-nature. 

"Nothing, I just wanna hear more about your life on the outside." She said. I laughed and sat down on my bed with her. 

"Well, I had a nice shower that was almost good enough to be orgasmic. I had a nice glass of Moscato. My ex-boyfriend got married." I said. 

"Boyfriend?" Nicky asked. I nodded. I knew exactly what she was about to say. But I decided to play dumb. I hated explaining my sexuality as if it was abnormal or unheard of.

"I thought you were gay." She explained.

 "No? I'm bisexual." I said, trying to sound as casual about it all as possible.

"Bisexuality isn't a thing." She said. I laughed until I I realized she was serious. 

"You're kidding?" I asked. She couldn't seriously think that. Not Nicky. She was the smartest person I knew, with Big Boo coming at a close second.

"Come on, Clementine. You're gay. You had a boyfriend in high school but admit that you only like chicks now." She said. 

"I would if that were true." I said, my voice was getting stern. I could feel my posture straightening out as if I was getting ready for battle.

 "Lighten up. All I'm saying is you can't like both, that's not how nature works." She said. 

"Get out." I said. She looked at me confused. "Get out of my cube. Biphobia isn't allowed in here. Also, I'd stay away from Lorna and Renee if that's how you feel." I said. 

She got up with her hands up in surrender. "You do you, Clementine. Let me know when you embrace the gay."

A/N Hey guys! How are you liking the book? As always, be sure to vote and leave a comment. How do you feel about Nicky's biphobia? Do you think bisexuality is real? Do you think that Clementine is bisexual, and if not, do you think she's straight or gay? Let me know in the comments below! Bye! - Bethanysarah817

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