Chapter 46: Blessings of the Nile

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     Ametis woke up to the rays of the sun skimming past the curtains and her face as she raised herself up from the bed. For a brief moment she thought she saw Kha but it was all in her head. Sitting up, her hand went through her long dark hair and she rolled her eyes. This was an awesome way to start the day; thinking about your dead love! Ametis stood up and kicked the urn that lay beside her bed. It rolled away and clattered in the corner next to her broken shield.
     She screamed and grabbed her sword, stabbing it into the marble floors and cracking it open with a loud thundering spilt. Outside the sky was getting darker and the sun was shying away behind angry clouds. A strand of lightning flickered through the sky, portraying Ametis's hard anger.
     Suddenly the chamber doors burst open and for a change, in ran Nephthys, dropping a basket at the entrance as she bolted over. She went to Ametis's side and took the dangerous weapon from her and flicked it across the room. Nephthys embraced Ametis and held her in her hold for a while, letting her calm down.
   "Something wrong?"
   "I just feel angry," she replied through gritted teeth.
   "Must be the mood swings with your current situation. I had them when Kha was born, of course mine were with reason. He was a bad kid." Nephthys laughed and kissed the top of Ametis's head. "I am going to be a grandmother! I never thought I would ever be one, thank you Ametis."
    Hearing that, Ametis could no longer be angry. She chuckled and squeezed Nephthy's arm. "I hate him for leaving me behind."
   "Oh you will be fine. This is the life of a goddess; learn to cope. You are beyond powerful."
   "I feel so unusual today. There must be something in the air," Ametis's dark eyes flickered and dimmed the gold. This caught Nephthys's attention and she sat up, held Ametis by her shoulder and looked at her from afar.
    Nephthys clicked his tongue and frowned deeply. "I think we best take you over to my sister. Perhaps Isis will want to see you."
   "It is—" Ametis looked over to the open balcony, "—it is morning now, is it? Where is my mother?"
   "I will send word to her to come to you, however we have got to get you over to Isis right away."
   "Is something wrong?" Ametis questioned with fear in her eyes as she broke away from Nephthys's hold and stood up to stare down at the older goddess. She did not answer, but with a reassuring smile she led Ametis out of the chamber and they made their way out of the palace.


   They were standing in the water gardens behind Isis' temple and palace; Isis and Nephthys were. Standing far off to the side against a column on the stairs leading into the water was Ametis. With her stiff posture and closed eyes, anyone would think she was a statue herself. The soft whisperings of the two goddesses in the water garden rose and fell like wind chimes in the morning breeze.
   Ametis opened an eye lazily and glanced down to them. It seemed Isis had pulled one of her 'if-you-desire-to-speak-to-me-help-me' routines and was walking around the garden with a Trident while Nephthys followed close by with a basket full of aquatic plants and was talking. Isis was no doubt listening and absorbing what was being said, but her face remained blank and she remained remotely interested in what the issue was; handing out one-worded answers while pulling plants out of the basket and dropping them into the water.
  "Will you listen to me?" Nephthys finally asked, her voice a tone louder than what was used in the conversation beforehand, causing Ametis to look on with a frown from where she stood.
   Isis turned around and slammed the Trident into the waters, she rolled her eyes and snatched the basket from her sister without a word, carrying on like before. Ametis just shook her head at them both before closing her eyes once more. The two sister goddesses walked out of the water garden and climbed up the stairs towards Ametis.
   Nephthys touched her arm and she looked at them.
  "Oh stop it," Isis finally spoke out with humor coiled in annoyance. "Give her some space Nephthys. We know these are your grandchildren but watching you around Ametis is suffocating, really."
  "Do not mind that, Ametis. Isis just wants to help."
  "And the way you speak: Isis just wants to help—I am her grandmother not a stranger out to harm her. May Ra bless your soul, sister."
   Isis walked up the stairs and squeezed the water out of her skirt, letting drip back into the pool before standing up and eyeing Ametis down. Before the princess could ask what was happening, Isis grabbed her by the sides of her head and proceeded to look into her eyes. She frowned and tilted Ametis from side to side as if she was trying to find something. After a while she let go and walked back into the pool towards where she had her basket dangling from a Trident spire.
   Ametis shot Nephthys a curious look, "is this what I followed you here for? For my grandmother to poke me in the eyes and just depart with no explanation?"
   Nephthys shrugged, "I have no clue, Ametis. She always had the wrong end of the stick sometimes—"
  "I heard you Nephthys," remarked Isis as she made her way back up the stairs with the basket of water plants in her arms. "I doubt there is any other place in the world that has my beautiful plants."
  "Oh, they are beautiful my Queen," Ametis complimented even though she was as confused as a horse amongst mules.
   Isis nodded and began ransacking her own basket, pulling out a dark green vine with white flowers and plucking the individual flowers off it. She tossed the vine backwards into the water garden where it touched the water and immediately started growing and blossoming into a mature plant.
   Isis held up the flowers to Ametis with a smile. Feeling that it was expected of her to do so, Ametis reached over and took one of the flowers from Isis. As she held it, Isis cleared her throat loudly.
  "Is there an issue?" Ametis asked.
  "Yes darling. You are supposed to eat the blossoms, not stare at them."
   Nephthys frowned as she looked on the flowers with interest, "they look familiar to me, Isis. What are these flowers?"
  "Blessings of the Nile. Just a little something from my own sacred gardens to help Ametis. Bless your son for gifting her with twins," responded Isis as they watched Ametis slowly lift the blossom into her mouth. "I will give the blossom about until nightfall to produce results. Literally."
  "Nightfall? What are you talking about, Isis?" Nephthys questioned in panic as the flower disappeared from view leaving a very flustered-looking Ametis.
  "Is that not what she desired?" Isis looked back to her sister and granddaughter in surprise.
  "I do not feel so eyes."
    The goddesses stared in shock at Ametis as she gripped the column for dear life. Beneath her fingers, Isis watched in horror as the white marble surface of the column started cracking slowly. She shrieked and pulled Ametis away from the column before it would be further damanged.
   Nephthys was shouting, "you gave her the sacred flowers that allow her to concieve in a short period of time!"
  "Get her out of her before her illness causes destruction in my sacred gardens. Take her to the palace and keep her out of sight. These events do take quite a turn on the forces of nature. Out!"

This is like way later than I expected to upload but for some damn reason, I was dragged off to some place where there was no wifi and reception so there.

—L the angry cactus

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