Chapter 7: Nephthys

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Outside once more in the hot sun pouring over the beautiful desert kingdom, Ametis sat alone on the Temple stairs. Amiid left to see his father and Shai was with her until she was dragged away by a panicking goddess who wanted to know the fate of her life in the battle.
Ametis stared at the glistening Nile below, running through the vast numbers of temples and houses. Egypt was beautiful and was the source of everything existing in the world, take that away and nothing is stable.
"Shall I join you?" Said a soft sweet voice behind her.
Ametis turned, nodded and smiled as she saw Nephthys standing behind her; folding back her golden wings until they retracted and vanished. The goddess walked over and sat by Ametis with a content sigh as she glanced out into Egypt.
"You know, I fell in love with a great powerful man. He was different way back then," Nephthys begun speaking. "He didn't mind Osiris took the throne instead of him or the fact we lived out in the desert instead of here--where the entire family was. When Anubis came to be, Set saw his position as god of the dead to be a weapon."
"And?" Ametis urged holding onto her wrists.
Nephthys closed her eyes, "Anubis was born of the darkness and gifted in it itself, so he couldn't really be...used. Set lost something in that life. He saw things a different way and started to loathe everyone and everything."
"Your wings...they grew back."
"Yes," Nephthys slowly nodded, sadness sparking her dark eyes."It was painful. Not the blade running through it, but the fact it was the man I loved who was hurting me. In the first battle, I tried fleeing with Kha but paid the price with my wings and losing them both."
Ametis touched her arm, "you still have a family. Here with your siblings and your first son, Anubis."
"Set is gone, Kha is leading an army against me and I rarely see Anubis except when he comes to the upper world, since I and the living cannot travel to the Underwold."
Ametis smirked and rolled her head, "it's not hard. Ask Hathor or Anubis if you next see him."
Nephthys chuckled and placed a hand on Ametis's head, "your mother's time working beside my Anubis as the Mistress of the West is long forgotten. She doesn't like stirring up old memories."
Ametis shrugged and continued to look over the valley of Egypt.
"You know the prophecy of me and Kha?"
Nephthys's hand slowly pulled away from Ametis and she hugged herself as if shielding from the evening cold breeze.
"I believe in fairness, Ametis. If fairness is you killing my son in order to save thousands, as much as I will hate be it."
"I sort of have a disagreement with myself, Lady Nephthys. What if I can't bring myself to kill Kha?"
"As his mother and as the only lady who ever loved him, it would be extremely hard--same for anyone else who does so."
She nods, " you are Horus's offspring and you carry that enmity within you. It's just a phase, once you meet Kha, you will immediately want to end him."
Ametis sighed.
"Ametis? Come here," Nephthys reached out to the younger goddess with her other hand guided her head to rest on her shoulderblades. There, she caressed her in a motherly way.
"I'm sorry," Ametis whispers into Nephthys's shoulderblades. "When the battle is over, you will lose your son like you lost Set."
"Mmmm. They chose their paths and tried to rid of me when I became an obstacle. I knew I would eventually return to my brother and sister. Isis has not treated me differently with hate."
Just then a loud horn blows. On the horizon, the skies turn orange as the sun disk starts to set.
Ametis becomes alert to the horn blowing and sits up throwing Nephthys a questioning look.
"Speaking of which," she says standing up. "I'm pretty sure those are to signal the Festival of Isis tonight. Will you be attending?"
"I don't know. I should train."
Nephthys chuckles, "then you'll be the only one missing out. Even Kha would be doing something special. Festival of Isis is to honor the Queen for the goodness she has bestowed upon Egypt."
"Alright. I'll go. What about you?"
"I'm going to spend the entire afternoon finding some way to persuade Anubis out of his pit to attend with me. It's the last Festival of Isis before we all plunge into battle."
Ametis stands up and looks behind Nephthys. Looming out of a black mist stood Anubis in his godly golden attire and armour with a black silk cape flowing behind him. Beside him stood Amiid, dressed similarly.
"Looks like someone heard you early," Ametis nods towards Anubis.
"Nephthys!" Anubis's deep voice booms across the courtyard and reaches Nephthys who swiftly turns.
She smiles and walks towards the two with outstretched arms. Ametis couldn't help but smile too, at least she still had another son--even if he was a tad scary as god of the dead.
She then views them and realise most of the older race of gods rarely refer to each other by their family titles such as mother or father, only by their names. What do you expect when you are immortal, never age and look the same age as your parents?
At least those were the older race. The new race definitely refer to their parents for the simple fact they look like young adults compared to their parents who look like adults. But one day, they will reach the stage they would have to start refering to their parents with their names.
She laughed quietly but heartily.
Amiid approached her with a a questioning look.
"In about a thousand more years, you will refer to your father as Lord Anubis. I mean look at your grandmother and father! Look at my grandparents and parents--everyone looks about the same age."
"Eh, I don't really care because what I've discovered is that you only refer to your parents and that is it. Do not point out your relatives or whatever or it make everyone appear way older and also will get confusing because we are all related some way."
"Picture this; Im the son of Anubis, which makes me your cousin and then we are both Kha's nephew and niece which makes Set your great-uncle or something and Set my grandfather which means Nephthys is also my great-aunt since she is Set's sister. Drawing into the line of Osiris--."
"Okay stop." Ametis holds up both her hands and laugh.
"Wait for me?" She asks after they finish laughing.
"The Festival--okay."
They both head back into the temple and into her chamber where Amiid waited on the balcony while she changed.
"What do you think?"
"You look bea--"
The compliment was cut off as a loud swoosh can be heard outside and laughter pierces the air. Ametis mmediately rushed to join Amiid on the balcony and they smile as Nephthys and Anubis come flying past. Nephthys holding onto Anubis below her as her winges outstretched overhead capturing a magnificent glow from the setting sun.
Anubis shouts something out and she laughs as she hurls him high up into the air.
The god plummets towards the earth in a fast motion but not fast enough for Nephthys's wings as she swoop down after him and grabs his arm.
Anubis's wings shoot out from his back, making Nephthys let go as she flew way ahead of her son. He follows after her.
They fly smoothly and head up to the main temple.
Most gods didn't have the golden wings but still they could fly; those that had wings were mostly part of the head family of Ra such as Nephthys herself and Anubis. Their beautiful shiny metal-like wings would be hidden until one actually spreads them out open.
Amiid turns back to Ametis. She was wearing a long black and gold gown with jewelry lining her body and a black silk cape to match Amiid's. Above her head rests a crown, this time it was the feather crown. Her top head was completely covered and a double-headed cobra lay molded upon it.
The crown extended down to cover her entire head in gold--particularly the sides where they were molded to look like sleek feathers on either sides. Under the crown, her dark hair flowed freely in a straight waterfall.
"Beautiful," Amiid finishes off. "Now let's go see the others."

Okay Beautiful Nile Deities. This was just a briefing chapter to show the relationship between Nephthys and her torn family which is important since obviously her husband and younger son are connected in the story.

Keep reading please...I promise to make it more interesting because its already a planned story plot. If you have watched the recent Gods of will understand the cutting of Nephthys's wings by an angry Set. I merged that section in this book.

Love You All

-Amillah Representing Myself & L

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